awww. Come on ;). I'll make it worth your while with chocolate/strawberries that we didn't finish off last time :D.
Yeah, poor issy etc... :(
Continue this conversation via text :)
I was always told to "divide by the highest power of x, if that fails, divide by the next highest"
I divided by the highest power of x and got like 1/0 which doesn't work.
I then divided by x:
Cancelling down, then substituting x=infinity in...
i go to the library. They have a quite study room there that I occupy. It is nice there :). I hate studying at home, I have a movie or something on for white noise purposes though
Lols at eldore!
I am just ganna get up at 7, read over some notes, not to study, but to calm the nerves, before screaming a whole-bunch of swear words at my sister including "Get in the *)(*^#% Car" and "Hurry the *(^@ On".
Helps to have someone to unload your stress onto ;) lol.
I think from what I have learnt at various seminars, that you actually don't receive a higher ATAR, but when you apply to certain Universities, they actually see your ATAR as a little higher with "bonus points" :). Does not apply to all Universities, and depending on what University you are...
LOL :p ^^^
I haven't given up yet, I found myself doing study before the trials like normal exams, but I don't think I have noticed that it is the HSC! :shy: I've been doing 4-5 hrs during the hols, and I think I will keep it at around that - anymore and I don't take it in.
Any opinions for me?? By the way, I am not trolling, just curious to see what people wiser then me would say about my hope :)
School Ranking: 436
Trial mark in brackets:
English (Adv): 3/28 (79%)
Mathematics: 1/22 (81%)
Extension Maths: 1/8 (53%)
Biology: 1/18...
Here's a question - I haven't been doing much study but i have been doing the h/w and assessments we have been given (usually hardly any.) Although just a week out from half yearly's I don't feel as if I need to study (and as a result have done hardly any)... I guess it just comes from having...