I can kinda see how neuroscience and biochemistry might have better "job prospects" than physics / maths, but if you're good (and it sounds like you might be!), you should be right at the top of what jobs are there in any case.
For myself, I'd do the course I wanted to do more, regardless of...
It sounds like you really almost have made your mind up to do maths and physics - you're just worried about jobs. Would this be correct?
Wouldn't it be the same as the HSC? Do what you like doing, do what you're good at.
Better attitude = higher marks. Higher marks = better for both job...
Can't even access my student admin index atm.
Am still pending on marginally-possible transfer to just Arts for this year.. ugh I want to know ASAP so I can re-enrol in subjects I actually want to do. =(
Know what ya mean kokodamonkey. Ugh because of this I am re-taking a good part of my second year, and my degree structure is pretty strict.
So I'm in my third *consecutive year*, but in second year *classes*. Oh well I'm sure there are plenty of other people like me around! :-)
And yes I am...
Well I logged into exam results using the Magic Link and OMG you guys!!
EDUF3030Australian Secondary Schooling68.0Credit
This is the subject I was expecting a Conceded Pass for.. because I barely even attempted the major essay.
Fully expecting it to change by the afternoon, but heyyy, if I can...
Arghh, I checked them too, damnit. >_<"
Expecting 1 Credit, 2 Passes and 1 Fail. The Fail is an absolute given. One of the passes is a bit borderline as well.
Hopefully I will get them as late as possible, as my parents don't yet know about the whole fail thing. :(
Re: Subject Reviews (PDF updated 17/01/09)
Amused to see EDUF 1018 is still sucking, and pleased to see ANHS 1600 is still awesome. Now, on to:
ENGL 2653 Varieties of English Grammar
Note, the course title is a misnomer. It's actually a history of Western ideas *about* grammar.
Ease: 5/10...
I absolutely second and/or third PHIL 1011 Reality, Ethics and Beauty.
Similarly with ANHS 1600 Foundations for Ancient Greece.
Both = FANTASTIC first-year / introductory subjects.
ENGL 1025 was cool when it was 1984, but it went kinda downhill with The Big Sleep and Bliss. :(
I also loved:
Wouldn't have a clue, but I highly doubt you have anything to be worried about.
It's a first-year course, it's basically tailor-made to you guys.
Plus, sometimes having no preconceptions is a good thing. =)