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  1. unLimitieDx

    Chemistry marathon

    Montreal Protocol. Refluxing also eenables esterification to occur at high temperature
  2. unLimitieDx

    Can someone give me some feedback/suggestions on my story?

    Is your story in 1st 2nd or 3rd person? I would personally start your story with the character already in the 'city' where possibly during work he would reminisce about his old country town.
  3. unLimitieDx

    English Advanced predictions

    Possibly something about doomsday for unseen text? :L
  4. unLimitieDx

    What plans for today?

    Finish off my essays - 2hours worth of work Rest of day 4u/3u past papers (:
  5. unLimitieDx

    Chances of me getting a band 6?

    Its possible :D
  6. unLimitieDx

    Best way to tackle upcoming english exam

    Memorise then analyse different questions and see how you would mould it appropriately .
  7. unLimitieDx

    Question on lenz law-HSC

    The first half is right but i dont think its really force that was created but rather magnetic field lines.
  8. unLimitieDx

    Question on lenz law-HSC

    Thats correct. As you stated by lenz's law the direction of the induced current will oppose the change that caused it i.e induced a magnetic field upwards . Hence the only possible answer that will produce a magnetic field upwards is either B or D, the anticlockwise direction (Right hand grip...
  9. unLimitieDx

    Finance in 3u?

    mcq 1 marker :D
  10. unLimitieDx

    Finance in 3u?

    Since this year's test is out of 70 i would guess it is even less likely that a hard finance question would appear
  11. unLimitieDx

    Finance in 3u?

    Is there a chance that finance involving series will be in 3u or is that only for the 2u papers?
  12. unLimitieDx

    HSC multiple choice Q's + resources (core topics)

    Ahh thats unfortunate, great stuff anyways :P
  13. unLimitieDx

    HSC multiple choice Q's + resources (core topics)

    THANK YOU !! :D Are these mcq's only from hsc? and do you have chemistry ones?
  14. unLimitieDx

    Estimation of roots

    Ahh thats right! Thanks Trebla!
  15. unLimitieDx

    Estimation of roots

    When we halve the interval and sub the value into that equation it will give us +0.005 rather than negative and ultimately will give us an answer of 0.6 which is not the case
  16. unLimitieDx

    Estimation of roots

    2010 3b vi) (2) For the second part how would you know whether to let f(x) = x - e-x2 OR f(x) = e-x2 - x 2010 3b vi) (2)
  17. unLimitieDx

    Only 3 subjects to study for

    Still maybe squeeze in a little bit of chemistry here and there so your chemistry brain is still there :P And are you in year 12 or 11?
  18. unLimitieDx


    stan lee's superhumans, the guy whose muscles exploded