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  1. unLimitieDx

    Please may I have an ATAR estimate?

    what score did last year's dux get?
  2. unLimitieDx

    Holiday pre-study

    wow you guys/girls are dedicated! keep it up
  3. unLimitieDx

    can i get forced to drop a subject?

    They say they'll kick you if you dont get over this mark or whatever. What ends up happening is just a series of conversations which advises you to drop
  4. unLimitieDx


    oh that sounds goood!
  5. unLimitieDx

    One. Month.

    Business: heavily revise on everything Physics: minor revision on theory Chemistry: revision on option module 3U: past papers 4U: past papers English: mould my essay with varying questions
  6. unLimitieDx

    Tied ranks

    Battle it out. First to three in rock paper scissors.
  7. unLimitieDx

    my idea for creative piece

    THIS has potential to be a good story. You could introduce another perspective, possibly a prison guard who observes his actions in his cell.
  8. unLimitieDx

    improving atar in the hsc

    His name says it all "trowl"
  9. unLimitieDx

    How do teachers end up teaching at a selective school?

    You also gotta know your stuff back and front cause there'll be students at these selective schools asking the out of the box questions.
  10. unLimitieDx

    my idea for creative piece

    In a sense it sounds like Shawshank Redemption .
  11. unLimitieDx

    Jersey name help!

    i is mo
  12. unLimitieDx

    ITT: We draw perfect circles.
  13. unLimitieDx

    Just a Question about Rankings (will delete when answered)

    Rankings will probably drop a few ranks assuming that the trials weighing is around 30%
  14. unLimitieDx

    End of school pranks

    unscrew the bells
  15. unLimitieDx

    When do you start hard out studying?

    Sometime this week after i receive back all my trial papers :D
  16. unLimitieDx

    Possible to get a "lower atar" in the hsc ?

    There's also scaling that needs to be considered
  17. unLimitieDx

    Past papers

    Are the pre-2000 past papers for 3u and 4u still relevant?
  18. unLimitieDx

    How did you guys write 1000 words in 40 minutes?

    Yes definitely a good pen! A smooth pen for me. Generally i am able to hit 1000words and peak at 1200. And does anyone else here angle their paper? Cause i do and it helps me write faster :)