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  1. J

    General Thoughts: Business Studies

    Not hard? I didn't find it challenging at all. Was this just me? or everyone else as well?
  2. J

    Difference between mediation and conciliation + one more bus question!

    AIRC doesn't exist anymore. Its Fair Work Australia, under the Fair Work Act 2009. Changed in 2010.
  3. J

    Business people

    Yes, you can.
  4. J

    Section 4 Question Predictions?

    2001 - global + marketing 2002 - E.R + marketing 2003 - E.R + management and change 2004 - global + financial 2005 - E.R + management and change 2006 - marketing + financial 2007 - E.R + global 2008 - E.R + management and change 2009 - financial + marketing 2010 - E.R + global Marketing : 4...
  5. J

    Section 4 Question Predictions?

    I think E.R is very unlikely. It has already come out 3 times in the past 4 years.
  6. J

    How to write your executive summary last?

    Or maybe just be a little more specific.
  7. J

    How to write your executive summary last?

    Instead of this, I would name the strategies you are going to talk about. I'm guessing that was what the question directly asked for?.
  8. J


    Definitely don't make stuff up about CCA, as the markers probably know it inside out and will be able to tell instantly. They probably won't deduct marks, but your giving them an impression that you don't know what your talking about and that's an impression you don't want to give.
  9. J

    Dear Business Students

    unitary - employee and employer have same goals for the success of the business. Sees conflict arising through the involvement of third parties e.g. trade unions, government etc pluralist - dispute is inevitable because employee and employer want different things. Sees conflict being solved...
  10. J


    You can make up everything and anything, mainly since the markers will definitely not know the details of every single business that exists, and yes you can name the business - but it should be a reasonable name. No, it does not have to be true, it can just be hypothetical. If you're going to...
  11. J

    How to write your executive summary last?

    Well i'm sure the stress from the exam tomorrow will make you write faster.
  12. J

    How to write your executive summary last?

    I pretty much use my executive summary as my plan for the business report, so I do it first. I wouldn't leave it last, unless your struggling really hard.
  13. J

    The Atar calculator....

    You guys have to realise that your raw marks get aligned not scaled. Scaling is done by UAC and aligning is done by BoS. BoS will moderate your raw mark - through aligning - then calculate your HSC mark with the internal marks - provided by your school - which are also heavily moderated. Once...
  14. J

    Fair work act

  15. J

    Fair work act

    Could anyone please summarise the changes in the fair work act and how it changes the previous legislation involving Australian Workplace Agreements etc.. pleasee and thank you..
  16. J

    Example Case Study Response Question!

    Not really. I believe the HSC exams are already written and locked in before the CSSA trials are done, so it won't matter whats in the CSSA.
  17. J


    I'm using Coke and the sources of funds are: Internal - CCA is a public company listed on the ASX - owners equity at approximately 1.6 billion. It has also accumulated around 1.7 billion through retained profits External - Short term borrowing- strong financial position allows easy access to...
  18. J

    Past HSC Question

    Advantage: Equity financing through the ASX possibly could be owners do not have to be repaid for their capital contributions - unlike debt financing. Disadvantage: They must become a public company which can be a hassle and time consuming as it requires specific disclosure on the business...
  19. J

    Exam predictions

    Paper 1: essay and creative Paper 2: 3 essays