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  1. J

    Band 6 Requirement (PLEASE HELP!!!!!) Band 6 Possible?

    The external (actual HSC) exam is 50% of your mark.
  2. J

    Atar estimate?

    Yes. With those ranks you could almost get any atar, as long as you do well in the externals. Good luck
  3. J

    Another atar estimatee

    Rank // Trial mark (dont know which trial) English Advanced 14/39 84% Mathematics 5/19 80% Ext 1 Maths 4/5 54% Business Studies 1/29 80% Chemistry 6/10 75% Legal studies 4/8 77% School rank 300ish What kind of ATAR am i...
  4. J

    Help on alligning and scaling

    The HSC seems like it got a lot easier. Anyone else to confirm? :)
  5. J

    Help on alligning and scaling

    But, to get that 90 HSC mark in Chemistry, you would only need a 72/100(72%) in the actual exam since that's the band 6 cut-off? Right?
  6. J

    Help on alligning and scaling

    So the aligning done by BOS has no affect on the marks that UAC scales?
  7. J

    Help on alligning and scaling

    Up until now I've thought that these two were the same thing, but after discovering the opposite i have a few questions, if anyone could help. with raw marks, say hypothetically these are the "raw mark cutoffs": English (Advanced) - 77/100 Chemistry - 72/100 Business Studies - 79/100 If...
  8. J

    80+ possible?

    hmm hopefully i can get that. All I need is a 81!
  9. J

    80+ possible?

    Uh MX1 was 55 Maths 84 Chemistry 73
  10. J

    UAC preference's and different rounds?

    I'm not sure if this is the correct section, but i was wondering if someone could please explain the round/offer selection process. I noticed that there are many rounds... October - Janurary, and there also seem to be main round offers etc. I have no clue what all this is. Anyone.. please.?
  11. J

    80+ possible?

    Would 80+ be possible? Otherwise what mark would i get? I realise 50% is external, but I just need some reassurance basically. School is ranked around 300. English Advanced 14/39 Mathematics 5/19 Ext 1 Maths 4/5 Business Studies 1/29 Chemistry 6/10 Legal studies 4/8 Thankksss
  12. J

    is 12 days enough to memorise 4 esays?

    That's easily possible, but you want to try and memorise all your essays in around 6~9 days so you have time to try past examination questions, and get use to moulding your essay to the question. If you go into the exam and write out your essay word for word without consideration of the...
  13. J

    Employment Relations legislation?

    Hey, I know there have been changes to the legislation which isn't covered in out textbooks and I am aware we have to cover these changes. The problem is I don't know what changed? It's something to do with the Fair Work Act 2009 I think, but if someone could give me an outline of the changes...