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  1. Paradox.101

    relationships with other races: WHY NOT?

    Lol you guys have me confused right now. I think it's cause I perceived Teclis in a different manner... As he said, we are all 'humans' whether we're Asian to Caucasian - which I agree. But you presented the notion of obliterating races, in which I disagree. What I was saying is that - as I...
  2. Paradox.101

    relationships with other races: WHY NOT?

    No way, I was just simply saying that yes, you should cheerish our diversity but some people are unable/refuse to do so due to the racism and stereotyping they have to put up with. I'm not trying to imply that we should have just one single major race, that would be an epic fail for humanity.
  3. Paradox.101

    relationships with other races: WHY NOT?

    Yes our diversity is something to be celebrated but not in this immature society we live in nowadays where racism and stereotyping is present in every corner. He makes a good point.
  4. Paradox.101

    Death note was insanely good, Light was a total weird corrupted douche bag tho.

    Death note was insanely good, Light was a total weird corrupted douche bag tho.
  5. Paradox.101

    relationships with other races: WHY NOT?

    With no one besides the Jews... OH SNAAAPPP ! Now the Arabs are gonna kill me... What? How did that prick have anything to do with love as his motives for the massacre? He was a sped who was diagnosed with an major depression/anxiety order early on his life, that has nothing to do with...
  6. Paradox.101

    You pretty much have me summed up LOL... I'm trying to avoid math, but it seems to be stalking...

    You pretty much have me summed up LOL... I'm trying to avoid math, but it seems to be stalking me, I'm probably just becoming delusional. Actually I haven't, but it looks interesting, tell me if it is any good or not!
  7. Paradox.101

    Comparing yourself to your S/O

    Haha glad it did. No but it looks interesting lol... have you seen the decomposition test with a couple burgers and fries from Maccas, aw God it is disgusting... yet the fries don't mold or anything after 10 weeks whatsoever... YouTube - Supersize Me - McDonalds Fast-Food Test
  8. Paradox.101

    I just watched the damn Blade Runner movie today, oh God the movie is SO complex/weird and...

    I just watched the damn Blade Runner movie today, oh God the movie is SO complex/weird and boring! I'll be reading up on Modern History next - WW1 & WW2, should be interesting.
  9. Paradox.101

    Comparing yourself to your S/O

    Well I have just the perfect diet for you Dux&Src, ... Introducing the ultimate fat ass diet: 9am : Wake up 10am: Walk to nearest maccas (your cardio done for the day) 11am: 5 Hash browns, 3 McMuffin burgers and a coffee 12pm: 2 Big Macs, 2 Quater Pounders 1pm : Break - go perv on the...
  10. Paradox.101

    I KNOW, ONE MORE WEEK! ARE YOU READY?!? I'm going to take it to the next level haha - note...

    I KNOW, ONE MORE WEEK! ARE YOU READY?!? I'm going to take it to the next level haha - note taking 24/7, no bludging, utmost concentration, revise back at home + study + homework + no social life + keep my room tidy and everything easily accessible + early nights ... I just realized how hard...
  11. Paradox.101

    Comparing yourself to your S/O

    As long as you're in the healthy BMI slice... I'm lean for my height but if someone had the same weight and was 30cm shorter he'd be a total chode
  12. Paradox.101

    White chicks and Asian Guys

    Kristen Stewart is a stoner.
  13. Paradox.101

    relationships with other races: WHY NOT?

    My munchikin and I are going well. I'm lucky to have someone as beautiful as she is and I don't think I should say anymore before someone catches me on BOS... argh, stalkers.
  14. Paradox.101

    White chicks and Asian Guys

    Yeah a fit bloke he is and he knows how to fight too which would be a major plus in my books if I were a girl or gay :p +1 .. minus the stupid jealous whore bit, just because I'm not so judgmental.
  15. Paradox.101

    White chicks and Asian Guys

    She ain't that bad! You make her seem like the grudge or something haha. I'd say her "black friend" looks better than her but definately not Edward... he's as pale as you can get.
  16. Paradox.101

    White chicks and Asian Guys

    I was implying the opposite lol, the blonde chick and the short haired chick, Alice (major hottie) is better looking than Isabella because Isabella isn't a vampire - being a vampire in the Twilight world means that you're eye candy. Lol so true but only just recently did Hermione become haawwt
  17. Paradox.101

    relationships with other races: WHY NOT?

    Natalie and Paradorn, they're such a romantic couple. I guess that some people are opinionated while others are not, but I don't totally understand why people are against interracial relationships besides the fact that their parents might be against it, luckily for me, they are all for it...
  18. Paradox.101

    White chicks and Asian Guys

    You're a chick that doesn't follow the Twilight series, you got to be kidding right?! Weelll, since I'm a Twilight nerd... I know it's sad... it's cause they're vampires and Bella isn't, and being a vampire in the Twilight series makes you, ironically, the most gorgeous thing on earth.
  19. Paradox.101

    White chicks and Asian Guys

    Well us boys have Isabella Swan (Y)... o_o...
  20. Paradox.101

    Not attracted to your race

    Yes, that quote! I was trying to grasp a quote you posted a while back to add into my post, but I couldn't remember it haha. Great quote (Y)