Search results

  1. C

    Converting notes/essays to word

    you dont.. you make your own notes/essays and prepare for exams yourself
  2. C

    Finished all your coures and ready for trial ?

    you have got to be the first person I have seen on here that also does Billy Elliot... HELP ME
  3. C

    Let's see where my friend is going with his HSC

    WHO IS THIS..? hahahahaha Oh and by the way, I actually know quite a few kids who got <30 ATAR last year And a guy a few years back who got like ~31 when the UAI was still in
  4. C

    What does it "co-op" mean?

    co-op scholarship..? UNSW..?
  5. C

    Superconductors - BCS Theory + Future applications?

    use HSC Online.. lots of short and sweet summaries there
  6. C

    English, Module C, Billy Elliot

    How does Stephen Daldry use cinematic devices to explore the concept of "Into The World" in his film Billy Elliot..? considering our school gives us an assessment task to do within a week and a half of even learning this module, any help/guidance/advice would be much appreciated :spin:
  7. C

    Type or write notes for the HSC

    written notes for the win..
  8. C

    Physics Help

    HELP... A photoemiting semiconductor has a band gap of 2.26eV. a) What is its threshold frequency..? b) If UVL of wavelength 1.05 x 10^-9 m falls on it, with what kinetic energy will photoelectrons be emitted..? The n-type semiconductor used in a particular solar cell has a work function...
  9. C

    Motivation --- [merged]

    This is motivation... everyday Im studying..
  10. C


    and your point is..?
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    anybody do the science comp today?

    we do the science comp next wednesday..? whats in it, hahaha..?
  12. C

    Did you go to the Sydney Morning Herald Expo?

    I have two free tickets.. Should I go..? Is it worth it..? Or does someone else want them..?
  13. C

    Whats the best option topic for Biology?

    confirmed accurate
  14. C

    What internal rank is needed for a 97.5+ ATAR?

    PS.. I go to the same school as Riproot so do you guys think you could do the same things for me :) My subjects are English Standard (102), Biology (26), Physics (16), PDHPE (33), 2U Maths (27), so what ranks would I need for an ATAR of 95+
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    Port Macquarie Schoolies 2011

  16. C

    Formals (yr12); Semi-Formals (yr11); Socials (yr10)

    Re: Year 12 Formals yeah dunno why mine are before.. maybe just to get it over with before the actual HSC.. schoolies is gonna go off :)
  17. C

    Formals (yr12); Semi-Formals (yr11); Socials (yr10)

    Re: Year 12 Formals End of Term 3 (September 23 I think) The Cube, gonna go off haha :)
  18. C

    Port macquarie 2011

    Anyone..? :wavey:
  19. C

    date you finish your HSC??

    yeah I think you were haha and yeah the clothes line got destroyed haha, glen almost choked to death on his own vomit haha, how provocative..