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  1. C

    Cathode ray contradicts Chemistry?

    how about you all just do physics, then you only have to remember that cathode is negative and anode is positive..
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    Atar estimate

    PERSON 1: School Rank: ~135 English Standard: Rank 2/~100 Task One (weighted 15%): 14/15 Task Two (weighted 25%): 22/25 2U Mathematics: Rank 4/27 Task One (weighted 10%): 34/36 Task Two (weighted 10%): 29/34 Task Three: (weighted 30%): 84/100 Physics: Rank 2/17 Task One (weighted 30%)...
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    Cathode ray contradicts Chemistry?

    yeah the chem kids in our physics class were mind blown too.. the teacher explained it by saying "its just like that, theres no reason" problem solved, haha
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    UNSW, USyd, UOW..?

    kaz1, tell me everything
  5. C

    date you finish your HSC??

    4th November, yay physics
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    UNSW, USyd, UOW..?

    For civil engineering, what are the advantages/disadvantages of each..?
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    Fiji 2011?

    Fiji is amazing.. I went in the holidays just gone, wish I never left
  8. C

    Question About Medicine At Uni

    LOTS and LOTS and LOTS and LOTS Not sure, but probably though I highly doubt it, your dealing with peoples lives so I dont think there will be any shortcutting ~98 ish Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test
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    nope, why so early.. mine are not until week two or three of next term
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    Post your half yearlies grades

    same, no wonder he/she "failed"
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    How many words should a 5-mins speech be ?

    as many words as you can say comfortably and clearly in five minutes
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    What Do You Think

    So my school was ranked ~135 last year This year, there are 17 people in Physics First Assessment Task (weighted 30%) I ranked first with 29/30 (97%) Half Yearly (weighted 20%) I ranked second with 42/70 (60%) Overall, Im ranked second by like a mark but the question I pose to you all...
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    drop ext 1 maths in school and still do engineering?

    haha no worries.. and well thats the plan anyways doing fairly well in 2U and Physics at the moment so hopefully I get that ATAR I need
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    Post Your HSC Timetable!

    English 18th/19th 2U Maths 24th Biology 28th PDHPE 31st Physics 4th Keeeeeeeen
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    drop ext 1 maths in school and still do engineering?

    bridging course definitely, thats what Ill be doing as I only do 2U Maths
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    Difference between qualitatively and quantitatively???

    qualitative - words quantitative - numbers
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    thanks man..
  18. C

    Fractured my finger, any tips on coping?

    suck it up.. its only prelim :chainsaw:
  19. C

    How good do you have to be at Ext2 to get 94?

    you have to be brilliant.. plus nice dp haha