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  1. taintedfeather

    Combined Law Student teaching Creative Writing at Various Libraries

    ^ We were Year 10s, but we competed in Year 11 Comp, and we made it quite far, so we got certs (Premiers). :D
  2. taintedfeather

    Combined Law Student teaching Creative Writing at Various Libraries

    2007 ...but we still got certificates for making the Semi... School/Regional thing, so you Kings boys can stop stickybeaking :P
  3. taintedfeather

    Does Rank Matter ?

    As I said in one of my previous posts. I can't be bothered reasoning with someone who has nothing to back up their claims besides malleable internet links, and will refuse to listen to other people's ideas (which in fact are quite valid). If you don't agree with someone, you don't go being a...
  4. taintedfeather

    Does Rank Matter ?

    You realize that the posts I quoted from was from someone else right? For instance, I said: "And you're the jerk saying that I didn't put effort in, and the fact that I came 4th was shit," in response to twistedrebel, as was almost everything else I said ie. whining about selective schools. I...
  5. taintedfeather

    Combined Law Student teaching Creative Writing at Various Libraries

    Yes, I also do tutoring, and it's there's a ranged of students from Years 10 - 12. Currently, the Cabramatta and Parramatta libraries are the most popular and filling up the fastest.
  6. taintedfeather

    Does Rank Matter ?

    You're a complete douchebag you know that? When have I ever said I was better than another person on here because I went to a selective school? All I've said was that schools like Ruse and Hornsby Girls get excellent results, which is hardly being egotistical as: 1. I don't even go to either...
  7. taintedfeather

    Does Rank Matter ?

    Tell that to annabackwards
  8. taintedfeather

    Does Rank Matter ?

    What? This doesn't even make sense, and obviously you're mistaken if you don't think your cohort has any input. Selective schools give a good boost of pressure, so I think it does matter. And kids getting higher than 99 at a normal school? It's because they get ranked 1st across the board, or...
  9. taintedfeather

    Does Rank Matter ?

    If you did, then why are you making rude comments, like you "didn't put effort in?" Yes, I didn't come 1st, but getting a 4th Rank, and a 94/100 overall just doesn't happen by itself. 'The Board of Studies' is just an extension of the NSW Department of Education and Training, again, please...
  10. taintedfeather

    Does Rank Matter ?

    According to whom? You? And you didn't even prove any of the points I made were false, and agreed ranks correlated with exam marks... It's called 'transfer'? So much for knowing more about this than I do. How can you even make that comparison? Ruse pushes people to work harder (also, read...
  11. taintedfeather

    Does Rank Matter ?

    It's amazing how students how are doing their H.S.C in Years 2010 and 2011, think they know more than a person whose actually gone through the whole process, asked as many teachers as he could, and talked to people from UAC. School Ranks, as I stated, indicate the level of Band 6s schools...
  12. taintedfeather

    Does Rank Matter ?

    ^ Are you guys joking? Of course it matters! YOUR rank will determine 50% of your H.S.C Mark, and this rank is derived from how well YOUR school performs. For instance, say you're coming 3rd in Advanced English. Sure it might look good on paper, but if your school does bad in the exam, and the...
  13. taintedfeather

    English Advanced tutor needed in Eastern Suburb.

    Can I just ask, WHY you're looking for someone with 5+ experience? That would indicate they haven't done Belonging, or even Journey as AOS, and have had archaic topics/texts in modules. And also, I don't think a (current) H.S.C Marker is gonna happen - not only is that illegal (sure they can...
  14. taintedfeather

    confused about sports (or the seemingly lack of...)

    Hey guys, I've just been looking at the sport page on Campus life, and there's HEAPS of sports offered at the Uni Games, and Eastern Uni Games, and well as various tournaments. However, I'm are we supposed to improve in these sports, if there aren't any clubs or groups? For...
  15. taintedfeather

    Hey sonic! Are you there? I can go through the story piece by piece with you if you'd like right...

    Hey sonic! Are you there? I can go through the story piece by piece with you if you'd like right now.
  16. taintedfeather

    lol! Thanks owl :) And...I'm keen! I'm keen!

    lol! Thanks owl :) And...I'm keen! I'm keen!
  17. taintedfeather

    Visual arts and English writing tutor NEEDED

    It's possible I could tutor since I'm attending Macquarie University in North Ryde, which is quite close to North Sydney. About me: I am a current Combined Law (Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Law) student (who graduated from Hurlstone Agricultural High School - one of the best selective...
  18. taintedfeather

    Yep, in response to your Legal Qtudies question, I did find the course a bit dull. In terms of...

    Yep, in response to your Legal Qtudies question, I did find the course a bit dull. In terms of what I did, I didn't do as much work as a lot of people think... In terms of areas I think that aid Legal Studies? Reading the newspaper (especially stuff my Adele Horin), having another set of notes...
  19. taintedfeather

    Creative Writing

    ^ Personally, I agree. I did think sentences tended to drone a bit too long in the opening...but who are we to argue with top notch critics eh? It's probably because we don't have the same level of experience as them to view it with the same scope :(.
  20. taintedfeather

    Creative Writing

    LOL. I apologize cat, but I didn't write that...Shirley Jackson did. It's one of the greatest short stories in American history - which is why I asked you a rating out of 10. It's called "The Lottery" and it's taught in the best universities - I don't think they'll be pleased after you gave...