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  1. taintedfeather

    Med or Combined Law more difficult to get into?

    Right, but I mean it would be easier with an ATAR of 99.9 to get into a full graduate med uni rather than an undergrad+graduate one right? Definitely. @jackie and fresh I assume u both prefer the socialized med system then?
  2. taintedfeather

    Med or Combined Law more difficult to get into?

    Thanks for that. :) But I did write some incorrect stuff, and a couple of things you said were quite valid. I get how we all have our fuming moments, or bad days - happens to everyone. I don't like bearing grudges anyways, hating someone is more work and effort for you than the other person...
  3. taintedfeather

    Med or Combined Law more difficult to get into?

    Really?! Wow, Well that might be true, but base don schools on my district, all the med pple got 98 or below..... Does oxymoron ring any bells...? But you would still need the high ATAR/GPA right? Of course! But most pple view Law/Med as the two most difficult courses to enter...
  4. taintedfeather

    Med or Combined Law more difficult to get into?

    I don't get why you're being unnecessarily aggressive.... None of the things I've said were offensive. And when have I said pick based on difficulty....? It's just a comparison of the difficulty of getting into law and getting into medicine.... What's with the anger...sheesh, there's no...
  5. taintedfeather

    Med or Combined Law more difficult to get into?

    At first I thought Med was with all the high ATAR, UMAT and interview, but the more I think about it, Combined Law seems just as difficult or even more so. Correct me, if I'm wrong, but these are some of the major factors (btw, I'm going to deal with just the major Universities Sydney - ie...
  6. taintedfeather

    Med or Combined Law more difficult to get into?

    At first I thought Med was with all the high ATAR, UMAT and interview, but the more I think about it, Combined Law seems just as difficult or even more so. Correct me, if I'm wrong, but these are some of the major factors (btw, I'm going to deal with just the major Universities Sydney - ie...
  7. taintedfeather


    I'm a bit confused by what NCCWs are, so can someone please explain? I know that if you've done whatever's in the box for NCCWs, you can't do the course, but what if you wanted to do something IN the box after? Will both course count towards the degree? (It seems counter productive if you do a...
  8. taintedfeather

    can you join diffeerent lecture?

    Well, if you're putting the effort in, and can be bothered doing it, then go ahead! :) Call me lazy, but....even if iI was allowed to "steal" intellect :P, I just wouldn't, not because it's immoral or legally shunned, but because attending more classes isn't much of payoff...but that's just me.
  9. taintedfeather

    Law/International Studies at UNSW or USYD?

    I assume you've done all the selections by now, but if not, then I've got a few points of interest. In 2008/2009, UNSW was ranked 6th, one in front of Macquarie, whilst USYD was ranked 2nd or 3rd. From the law situation, ANU is ranked the highest, despite it's lower ATAR cutoff - so don't...
  10. taintedfeather

    Teachers needed for high school tutoring

    Would you be able to give any more information about what kind of subjects you're looking for? Work hours? I received a Band 6 in English Advanced, Ancient History, Modern History and History Extension. I also narrowly missed a Band 6 in my fifth subject, Legal Studies with a score of 89...
  11. taintedfeather

    Ajudicating (Debating)

    Thanks heaps Zero! I was emailing Mr. Cameron, before I realized I's already received the 2010 workshop info (it's from Tony Davey this time) in my inbox! I'd lodged the form ages ago, so I was waiting for a while! Thanks for all the help. Btw, is it easy to get jobs as an ajudicator? what...
  12. taintedfeather

    Ajudicating (Debating)

    Wow, thanks so much for the info Zero. Yeah, I was looking for the forms and for any info on courses. Should I also contact Lloyd Cameron by email?
  13. taintedfeather

    Ajudicating (Debating)

    Does anyone know how to apply for an adjudicating position in debating (eg. premier's debating challenge etc)? Any links or forms would be of great help. Thanks!
  14. taintedfeather

    Possible to transfer from Combined Law to Combined Law (at another uni)?

    ^ Thanks :) I did get into the combined law course I wanted, so that's a plus! Just wondering, if my ATAR is higher than 96, would I still need a distinction average? And would the transfer to a different uni mean I would be doing Graduate Law, or the same combined law degree?
  15. taintedfeather

    Possible to transfer from Combined Law to Combined Law (at another uni)?

    Yeah, I know it's weird, but is it possible to transfer from a combined law course such as Arts/Law from say, UWS or Macquarie to the combined law/arts in USYD or UNSW without having to repeat the first year course?
  16. taintedfeather

    How many pages

    [SIZE=2]Alright, I'm going to detail what I know and have heard about this topic: 1. The concept of quality vs. quantity is true to SOME extent - for instance, even if you write 20 pages on one module and it's all repeating what you just said, bombastic, and filled with stuff that's not related...
  17. taintedfeather

    Hamlet - loyalty WTF???

    Are you guys kidding me?! Hamlet by far had the easiest question. The entire PLAY is about loyalty - I mean, you can talk about the obvious one between Hamlet/dad, Gertrude/dad, but also about Rosencrantz/Guildenstern's relationship with Hamlet, Polonius, and his involvement with the new court...