Search results

  1. taintedfeather

    Best game in each genre

    You reprimanded my list base purely on the fact of your own opinion, and your own preference of games. Like I said, how is your list any better than mine or anyone elses for that matter when it's all based on opinion? You disagree with critics and can hate popular games all you want, but the...
  2. taintedfeather

    Best game in each genre

    I put 'sales' and how 'popular' games are because they help to lower the variables, and the chance for bias. I.e. I might think a game is stupid - has poor execution, has terrible graphics and plays like a rusted wheelbarrow - likewise there will be people who think the oppossite, they might...
  3. taintedfeather

    Best game in each genre

    You realise almost all the things said on this board is subjective right? You justified FFVI as the best simply because you thought so. Whilst I agree, it is a good RPG, I'm not going to deny a force like FFVII, which had monstrous sales figure, cult followings and even spawned its own...
  4. taintedfeather

    Best game in each genre

    Alright, well I'll list the main genres, and the top two games of each :D: 1. RPG: 1st - Final Fantasy VII 2nd - Dragon Age: Origins 2. Action: 1st - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 2 (FPS) 2nd (Tied) - Super Smash Bros Brawl - Resident Evil 4 3. Adventure: 1st -...
  5. taintedfeather

    Rate my Creative Writing

    Whilst there area few aspects I like about this, but there are, likewise, a lot of concerns to be remedied. Whilst I love the fact that the tale is different to the usual teen angst markers in the HSC have to endure, there is too much focus on description rather than plot. The themes are also...
  6. taintedfeather

    Quick Question on Related Texts

    ^ Do not do 'The Red Tree' I assume that your teacher/tutor suggested it, or you heard from a friend, who's teacher/tutor told them. If not, I still advise not doing it. It's not a terrible text, but its overdone, and it was popular during the 'Change' concept in the years before 'Journeys' so...
  7. taintedfeather

    I felt so bad for u after reading that homophobic thread mate. Good job on holding your own...

    I felt so bad for u after reading that homophobic thread mate. Good job on holding your own against those jerks.
  8. taintedfeather

    Orientation Day

    Wouldn't it be better to start making friends with people in the same lecture as you or...?
  9. taintedfeather

    Hecs-help *urgent*

    Hey guys, I submitted a HECS-HELP form for more than 2 weeks now, and when I check 'My Finance' it stills says I owe the $6k. Does this mean I should wait 2 weeks after the 22nd? Or...? And should I lodge another form just in case? (estudents confirmed I've submitted a form already)...
  10. taintedfeather

    Orientation Day

    ^ It's from 9:00 - 2:30, and I talked to quite a lot of lectures on open day, and went on a whole tour of Macq, and even visited the place privately at a later date. Could you give me a hint as what the advice is like? Tbh...that's all that looks appealing atm...
  11. taintedfeather

    Orientation Day

    Worth it? It says meet lecturers, tour campus and bbq lunch... I've done all those things on Open Day. Any difference? Is the 'advice for the first week' good or just general knowledge stuff?
  12. taintedfeather

    Bonus points

    ^ I think that's it. Also, it depends what course you want to get into. Combined Law, Psychology and other higher level courses never have bonus points applied to them....except of course, at UWS.....
  13. taintedfeather

    Language techniques in "As you like it"

    As terrible as this may sound, but to score a Band 6 in Advanced English, you'll need more than the obvious. I mean the line itself and what you've explained it to be is just translation... Well, as much as I hate not letting students grasp concepts for themselves, I'll give you a nudge in the...
  14. taintedfeather

    help with Sulla!

    WHAT?!!! Are you guys joking, not only do I disagree, but there's an entire course in Uni about him, so of course he left a considerable legacy! That's not the point. The fact that he was able to make reforms at like a dictator is the point. He also introduced the idea that violence could be...
  15. taintedfeather

    Agrippina the Younger

    ^ Tacitus does a great job of depicting her as a wicked Gorgon. Use ancient and modern written sources. Talk about the coins, vows that was included during Caligula's reign. The question also is technically not even limited to Agrippina, so I suggest getting sources on Germanicus, Agrippina...
  16. taintedfeather

    Need help with subjects- should I drop ancient history?

    You dislike Ancient? Awww, that's disheartening. As you see in my sig, I did all the H.S.C histories, and my advice is to stick with Ancient, as doing both will better your skills with sources, and your analytical skills (which is great for English Adv.). As for History Extension, I advise...
  17. taintedfeather


    When can we join the various clubs Macquarie has?
  18. taintedfeather

    Bookstore/Gamestore vacancies? How do you snag a job at one of these places?

    ^ ah well, looks like I won't be getting that employee discount for my law textbooks. :devil:
  19. taintedfeather

    OFFICIAL Easter Show Thread

    Re: Selling showbags at the Easter Show :S I think that's enough argument over work vs. study - we can talk till the sun falls out of the sky about advantages and disadvantages, but it's not going to change opinions much anyways. I'm also sure the op already has a big chunk of ideas to ponder...
  20. taintedfeather

    Bookstore/Gamestore vacancies? How do you snag a job at one of these places?

    Oh crap, I turned up wearing my Nike sports clothes! Dang nabbit! :P Thanks for the input. I tried my local bookstore...i.e. Angus and Robertson LOL. Ah, gone are the good old days of H&M Smith.... does anyone remember that store?