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  1. 0hNivlek

    Interested in Trial Scores in Area 2166

    Hey~ i go to Canley Vale High School. Only got bits and pieces back from each trial we did. I got 70/75 for Independant Legal Studies Trial. Teacher seperated the other 25 marks and made it another seperate assessment LOL, at least it's with lower weighting.
  2. 0hNivlek

    What Ride do you have for the Formal???

    A $550 per hour white chrysler limo to darling harbour. 12 seats.
  3. 0hNivlek

    Formals - 2009

    Oh really!? I just asked the formal committee and they said we're at Dockside lol. Maybe we're sharing the same venue LOL.
  4. 0hNivlek

    Trial HSC results?

    Oh my, we had talks too! Standard English was pwned by their teachers for their poor results for the trials, whilst Advanced English was praised.
  5. 0hNivlek

    Formals - 2009

    Wow parents :S
  6. 0hNivlek

    Formals - 2009

    Dockside $84 October 1st <-- graduation assembly w00t. Anybody going in limos?
  7. 0hNivlek

    2009 CSSA Trial HSC

    This was the Independant trial. yah the creative writing was so ... Three extracts + three reflections. :S
  8. 0hNivlek

    09ers - What mark did you get for the project?

    We'll be getting ours next Tueday when we have history extension, but my teacher told us it was double marked by him and an external teacher.
  9. 0hNivlek

    2009 Trial HSC Exams Discussion

    Plus our teachers got so many free periods when we were on trials. Like we got legal studies trials back today cause my teacher had 36 free periods to mark them lol!
  10. 0hNivlek

    2009 PIPs.

    I love your front cover picture and the twin town (LOL forgot what it's called already).
  11. 0hNivlek

    2009 Trial HSC Exams Discussion

    That 'end of trial' feeling was awesome. Now it's the Post Exam Traumatic Anxiety Syndrome or whatever now...waiting for results LOL.
  12. 0hNivlek

    Trial HSC results?

    I also got Question 1 back from the Independant maths paper too. 11/12. Lost a mark for not simplifying enough >.<! The rest is with my teacher who's only in on 3 days a week LOL.
  13. 0hNivlek

    After trials...?

    ^ oooh what scholarship? Heh. We're not allowed to take any days of from now until our last day of school October 1st. We got a three-day rule, only for emergencies, and if you break this rule you don't get a school reference at the end.
  14. 0hNivlek

    Trial HSC results?

    70/75 for independant Legal Studies. Teacher altered the multiple choice and short answers, and made it it's own seperate assessment task. LOL.
  15. 0hNivlek

    Christmas.... what are you asking for??

    Probably an iMac. iunno or cash. I prefer the latter somehow.
  16. 0hNivlek

    2009 Trial HSC Exams Discussion

    ^ Lol nice. @ Aerath: The amount of people doing 4U is larger than my grade by 50-60 people. That's awesome.
  17. 0hNivlek

    ramadan yay!!

    Lol my friend isn't doing it this year for hsc, encouraged by parents lol.
  18. 0hNivlek

    2009 Trial HSC Exams Discussion

    :music: END OF TRIALS TODAY. English Extension1 was :S, especially @ creative writing heh!!!!!
  19. 0hNivlek

    Rank Your Exams

    Modern History Legal Studies Society & Culture History Extension Mathematics Advanced English Paper 1 English Extension 1 Advanced English Paper 2 That's what i'm feeling atm :S