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  1. 0hNivlek

    School Attendancy

    Compulsary here. We had a year meeting and the deputy told us we can have three days off but if you have an exceptional case then you can be off.
  2. 0hNivlek

    Books that made you fall asleep

    Emma - Jane Austen
  3. 0hNivlek

    Trial HSC results?

    42/50 Independant History Extension Trials. Marks aren't flashy but still came 1st.
  4. 0hNivlek

    Trial HSC results?

    I got 12/15 for mine, Independant. "This story is FAR from sophisticated." LOL ./slit.
  5. 0hNivlek

    how much did you spend on your majors?

    Yes! Went a lil crazy at the State Library and never ended up using any of the stuff i photocopied. But i think i used over $100 with ink catridges and the like for both my History Extension major and my PIP - LOL @ printing out countless drafts -_-.
  6. 0hNivlek

    Trial HSC results?

    Wow. That's awesome, i only got 2/3 of what he got altogether LOL. Our top mark was in the early 90's / 105.
  7. 0hNivlek

    Vietnam War - Threat of Communism

    Domino Theory / containment etc.
  8. 0hNivlek

    Who would you turn gay for?

    Would turn gay for Maxxie (Mitch Hewer) from SKINS !
  9. 0hNivlek

    Sydney Uni Live!

    Lol i noticed that UTS and USYD had the same colour theme going on with the blues and yellows.
  10. 0hNivlek

    Sydney Uni Live!

    Aww i only stayed for 20 mins and left for UTS.
  11. 0hNivlek

    Best TV series EVER

    SKINS (generation 1) + Ugly Betty
  12. 0hNivlek

    Trial HSC results?

    Wow that's great! Thanks man!
  13. 0hNivlek

    HSC what are you feeling

    26 school days left. CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!
  14. 0hNivlek

    Trials next week? Outside the trial time period?

    Lol. Our reports are due next week or early week after!
  15. 0hNivlek

    Accused of cheating during trials

    Yeah that's quite easy to remember and i agree on explaining your case without getting aggressive.
  16. 0hNivlek

    Formals - 2009

    Probably Entertainment Centre or somewhere in China Town. Yes we do look like freaks LOL.
  17. 0hNivlek

    Formals - 2009

    Yah i heard that there are other rooms. We prolly got the shittest one anyway. Chester Hill high School? Not so far from us, so we're from the same area anyway. LOL.
  18. 0hNivlek

    omg! It's still here?
  19. 0hNivlek

    Topics for '09

    LOL i altered my question a few days before it was due How has the historiography of Marie Antoinette been approached when concerning her role as a catalyst of French social change?
  20. 0hNivlek

    Hi Eric. I do believe you chose the wrong person for help. I suck at Legal Studies, sorry.

    Hi Eric. I do believe you chose the wrong person for help. I suck at Legal Studies, sorry.