Search results

  1. L

    Interview Workshop Sydney UWS & UNSW Medicine

    Well, good enough an answer for me. Thank you for your answer. Best of luck with the business then. Indeed. Interestingly, recent studies published by researchers from the Universities of Melbourne and Sydney have investigated and reported on the admissions process, and it has been...
  2. L

    USYD Open Day - Strikes

    E-mails have been sent to mobilise the gang. Same old stuff, different day. Open Days aren't really that representative or unbiased anyway, but they do provide you with some information. Despite the statutorily protected industrial action, Open Day will proceed.
  3. L

    Interview Workshop Sydney UWS & UNSW Medicine

    Medman, I am certain that users appreciate this offer and I don't have a doubt you are indeed up to snuff, but there are some issues here. Given the stakes here and on principle, I thought it would benefit others if I were to post, no matter how paternalistic this might be. You're a recent...
  4. L

    undergraduate medicine

    ? This calls for speculation, but do you think the OP realises the difficulty of being successfully admitted to the UNSW programme after having started a year of university? The requirements stipulated by the medical school aren't unattainable, and the difficulty isn't insurmountable, but they...
  5. L

    Law at Uni

    Indeed. By analogy, those taught watered-down basic sciences by disciplines of medical schools are rightfully to consider themselves being in the same league as medical students. If you're suggesting that the rigour of business law, criminology, government, etc. studies are similar to that of...
  6. L

    how to get into dentistry?

    The cut-off or threshold is 68 this year. The mean is ~75. The median is ~72. Honestly, I don't recommend narrowing your horizons simply to Sydney or NSW universities. If you're dead serious about becoming a dentist, the exact uni isn't a big deal (other than campus, facilities, etc.). At the...
  7. L

    Help+++acturial studies~~~~~~

    Do B.Act.St./B.Econ. Apply for all relevant scholarships or cadetships. Co-op Scholarship details are widely available. Not having one isn't the end of your actuarial career or education.
  8. L

    undergraduate medicine

    Suppose no one answers you, what do you do then? Yes, you apply via UAC. However, to save you grief, maybe you shouldn't consider UNSW. The admission criteria for those that transfer in appears very much out of reach for most (not being harsh, but their website makes it abundantly clear...
  9. L

    Working at the Reserve Bank

    For anyone else who is interested but can't be arsed to navigate to the relevant section of the document, Other interesting things in financial services and such are here...
  10. L

    Working at the Reserve Bank

    Do you actually want to obtain a B.Econ. (Hons.) and then a Ph.D. in economics? provides pretty good information already. Sure, it lacks everything that you're looking for, but surely the work and lifestyle is more important than...
  11. L

    MBLG1001 or MBLG1901?

    Pretty sure there is a freshman O-chem course where kids get screwed by nucleophilic and electrophilic substitution or addition reactions, nomenclature, and Markovnikov's and Zaitsev's rule.
  12. L

    ON RES

    I don't understand what you mean, particularly by the 'reject college' comment. IMO, UC is okay and quite pleasant. Oh, you may want to read this:
  13. L

    CHEM1011 or MATS1101?

    Personally, I would do CHEM. Given that you study engineering, maybe MATS is a better fit.
  14. L

    Human Bio

    Another post stating that Human Biology is that well structured and taught that you don't need a bridging course or prior knowledge. In the day, HSC Biology was underwhelming, and teachers that taught Biology classes were all shonky as shit. You'll be okay without doing HSC Biology.
  15. L

    MBLG1001 or MBLG1901?

    Yeah, this. Even O-chem? Begorrah, things have changed.
  16. L

    Can you get into science at UNIMELB if you haven't done the prerequisite subjects?

    Re: Can you get into science at UNIMELB if you haven't done the prerequisite subjects I realise this is an old thread, but UniMelb allows for students to enrol as, say, a B.A. candidate, do required subjects (e.g., mathematics), then transfer in second semester or second year. There aren't any...
  17. L

    Melbourne Residential Colleges

    See, visit the colleges, and ask those that have resided in them or reside in them. From my stay at UC, Melbourne, it's nice but not Oxford. I have had friends live in Queen's, and they can't complain either. St. Mary's is a little bit of a different story...
  18. L

    Can you go up the corporate ladder in big 4 with just a straight b.commerce? NO MBA..

    Re: Can you go up the corporate ladder in big 4 with just a straight b.commerce? NO M A postgrad degree isn't required, but it also wouldn't hurt. From my understanding, to even get an MBA, you would first need to pay your dues and work as a graduate, then whatever firms call PG2s, PG3s, etc...
  19. L

    Physio Options

    Sorry but I don't have the slightest idea. For what it's worth, with a reasonable ATAR of 99.00, a physiotherapy school would be pretty foolish not to accept you on the basis of academic merit. They may have other requirements, such as interviews, or policies. Therefore, I suggest you contact...
  20. L

    Changing degrees

    I wish I were more in the know about transferring degrees, but it's all been good.