As the poster below me stated, its a model of how the system works.
Although there are some parts the teacher didn't mention, realistically they said all a HSC student needs to know in order to understand how the system works and to ensure they don't bludge through assessments.
Dear god... my brain is on the verge of imploding due to unparalleled levels of irony....
As you can't do year 7 maths that is related to senior maths you should drop math altogether....
See how bad your logic is.
IIT: Douche bags
Seriously, as far as you know this guy had a bad teacher who didn't cover perpendicular lines in year 9/10 and is learning it for the first time by himself.
You shouldn't be giving advice/insulting people when you don't know their situation.
Just forget about it and concentrate on studying for your exams. After you finish meet your vice principal or Principal and tell your side of the story. Im sure after you show them all the horrible things shes said to you on facebook and your parents back you up they'll apologize and give that...
Might i reccomend investing in some floo powder. It is much easier to use and does not involve the risk of appearing in the middle of uni with your cloths left at home.
But, if you classify yourself as attractive, by all means continue your study of apparition.
If i could change my subjects, I'd do the following.
3 unit english
3 unit math
history extension
Dunno why i chose chem and physics over bio and earth when they are the 2 sciences i wanna do at uni ><
Schools you are not large most often have 3 unit students in the 2 unit class, and then hold 3 unit lessons before/after school.
If my school didnt do that, there would be 9 people in one class and 7 in the other... makes no sense to have separate classes really.
My school was ranked 115th last year.
My subjects and ranks are:
Biology - 1/9
Chemistry - 2/9
Ancient - 3/40
History Extension - 2/15
Math 2u - 1-15 (excluding the 4 unit kids)
math 3u - 3/10
English advanced - 8/30
sor - 4/70
Any estimations/advice is highly appreciated.
Thanks in advanced.
I'm assuming by genetics your referring to 'the blueprint of life' and not the option topic 'genetics'?
We have done 2 lessons on blueprint, behind due to school screwing with the slot bio is on ><
Don't listen to all the people saying you HAVE to do prelim to do a subject in year 12. There wrong.
However, in saying that it would be quite difficult to change as your subject coordinator will see that if you changed, geo would be in your top 10 units, and if you messed up it would screw you...
Or maybe i have better things to do with my time then write an essay to you to 'enlighten' you on something that is rather obvious.
To do well in Hist.X, you need to logically analyse a historian's context in order to figure out what their purpose is and how this effects their history.
Do you...
Seeing as the app only came out yesterday and from the screenshots it looks like it has absolutely nothing to do with the HSC Mathematics course, i'm betting the OP is the apps developer.
Hes probably just made a general math quiz app and slapped the word HSC on it to scam the multitude of...
I wouldn't call 3 weeks of prelim 'experiencing' a subject. You need to actually complete a few topics and study for a test before you really know what its about.
Also, your knowledge of the economy from the things you mentioned arnt a good indicator on HSC economics. Actually learning a...
I was referring to what you said about the OP bragging, believe it or not, not everyone who asks for advice and posts their marks is as egotistical as you are.
Coming from someone who used to do Physics and changed to bio in year 12, i would say choose whichever one you find more fascinating.
I can't stress enough that as long as you choose a subject you like, you will go well in it. If your interested in space, motion and energy choose physics. If...