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  1. L

    Dropping down from Commerce/Law to single Commerce...parents wont allow it!

    I was under the impression most international students went back to their home country to find employment :O So I assumed there were actually a decent amount of jobs, not easy tofind a job but by no means impossible. What if I just did reasonably well- High credit/distinction average and found...
  2. L

    Dropping down from Commerce/Law to single Commerce...parents wont allow it!

    Law gets harder than 1052 though right? You are making me feel semi like I am dropping law because of a silly reason, and its suddenly going to be wonderful. I really just want to get on with life though i.e. graduate when im 22 not 24!
  3. L

    Dropping down from Commerce/Law to single Commerce...parents wont allow it!

    Wow, so its easier to find a job in the commerce sector? :)
  4. L

    Dropping down from Commerce/Law to single Commerce...parents wont allow it!

    oh i just realised i cant even get into media next semester because need to have done 36 units :( Also I don't think my WAMwill be 75 due to the ILJ course....
  5. L

    Dropping down from Commerce/Law to single Commerce...parents wont allow it!

    I hate class discussion and ambiguity though!
  6. L

    Dropping down from Commerce/Law to single Commerce...parents wont allow it!

    Wow I understand exactly! My dad is actually quite open minded usually if I set out a plan define goals and seem serious about it. My Mum however is extremely tough and before Said I was embarassing The family if I don't do law and ruining my life. Ultimately I want a job In commerce which she...
  7. L

    Dropping down from Commerce/Law to single Commerce...parents wont allow it!

    I chose commerce law as I always to do commerce and perhaps a language as I am passionate for These but when I got my atar estimate my parents convinced me to put combined law Before commerce and supriskngly I ended up getting in I want to major in accounting and either finance or Hr :)
  8. L

    Dropping down from Commerce/Law to single Commerce...parents wont allow it!

    Thanks everyone for your input so far! I really appreciate :) @Hey Jes are you doing journalism? I would possibly like to do Media/comm or arts/comm, but my only concern is having just one commerce major. I know its my decision, but my parents are really tough...sometimes I wish I just got...
  9. L

    Dropping down from Commerce/Law to single Commerce...parents wont allow it!

    I am hating law, and I know people think it gets better after Intro to law and justice but I don't want to pursure a career in law, I know that for certain. I also love commerce because I am interested in business and prefer big lectures rather thran little discussion groups Problem is I...
  10. L

    Transfer to Comm/Law UNSW to Comm/Arts USYD. Requirements? Will I get in?

    BUMP I've decided to apply for mid year and apparently they just use your ATAR for that :) Will I be able to transfer credit if I pass the courses? Since I will receive results prior to semester 2 like for my unsw commerce subjects. Thanks
  11. L

    Transfer to Comm/Law UNSW to Comm/Arts USYD. Requirements? Will I get in?

    i find it hard though and my transfer friends doing public law say its so much more difficutlt. im not doing mooting but im doing negotations, as i dont have much time and im a quiet person.
  12. L

    Transfer to Comm/Law UNSW to Comm/Arts USYD. Requirements? Will I get in?

    Hi I am really hating law and as a result I dont think my WAM will be that high, but my ATAR was 98.20. Will I get in if I try to transfer at the end of the year? And transfer credit/ Thankyou
  13. L

    Busines stats- Histogram on excel! please help!

    I don't understand input range ,bin range, output range etc I put in the peoples ages in the sample under age starting from cell A1 and then how many of each under bin STARTING B2 then press data analysis etc but it wont work and im upset :( thanks
  14. L

    How to make a histogram in EXCEL? Busines stasts- please help!!

    I don't understand input range ,bin range, output range etc I put in the peoples ages in the sample under age starting from cell A1 and then how many of each under bin STARTING B2 then press data analysis etc but it wont work and im upset :( thanks
  15. L

    Hard to transfer from UNSW law to USYD law?

    I only got atar of 98.20 but got into UNSW combined law, I want to transfer in second year to Sydney is it at all possible?
  16. L

    I am doing commerce/law degree, I want to go on exchange for commerce

    I am in first year, but I was thinking its a good idea to go this year while I only have 1 law subject a semester, and then catch up with that one when I get back. Is this possible? Thanks
  17. L

    When is UNSW class timetable for Semester 1 2014 released? I wanna make my timetable

    Re: When is UNSW class timetable for Semester 1 2014 released? I wanna make my timeta I already enrolled ( I think), like I did part 1 of the accept process If that makes sense. Do they usually comeout September/Octoberish?
  18. L

    When is UNSW class timetable for Semester 1 2014 released? I wanna make my timetable

    Re: When is UNSW class timetable for Semester 1 2014 released? I wanna make my timeta I don't really know what you mean...but I don't mean am I at advantage in general (im obviously not), but whether I will get to choose better lecture/tutorial times :P