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  1. L

    When is UNSW class timetable for Semester 1 2014 released? I wanna make my timetable

    accepted my deferred offer, wanna make my timetable :P Also am I at an advantage like best pic of times as opposed to hsc finishers this year/
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    What combination should I do? Got combined law offer for 2014. So confused!

    or even arts/law since I feel like ill be a granny by the time I finish university if I do a 6 year degree (i will be age 25) :O
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    What combination should I do? Got combined law offer for 2014. So confused!

    Thanks :) You have been very informative. I'm leaning towards commerce/law or international studies/law since I could do a major in a language and a minor in international business. Do you have any insight on this? I'm glad because I don't really have any connections.
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    What combination should I do? Got combined law offer for 2014. So confused!

    Well while being rich is part of it, it isn't the whole reason. I am also passionate about the economy and business, however these interests extend to other things too like international relations which is why I cant decide. I know money making is part of the reason for everyone whether they...
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    What combination should I do? Got combined law offer for 2014. So confused!

    Hi I deferred my offer of combined law at UNSW for a year, and I know I have until November to decide what I want to do law with, but im still so confused/undecisive. I want to work in a corporate law firm and be rich, but I also have a passion for language and international stuff, I guess I am...
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    How many majors is Commerce/Arts double degree at USYD?

    Thanks guys! I was also wondering can you do 2 language majors? :) i.e. Italian and Spanish
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    Is Commerce (International) at UNSW worthwhile??

    I have interest in finance and economics, but I also love learning languages and would love the chance to major in it at university. Initially I was looking at Commerce/Arts but you can only do 1 commerce major , 1 arts major and 1 arts minor in this degree which I find ridiculous and like one...
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    How many majors is Commerce/Arts double degree at USYD?

    I want do 4! But not sure if its possible...
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    Double major for commerce in commerce/arts degree at UNSW??

    is it possible? im worried with only 1 major I wont find a job...
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    Can I do a double major in Economics in an Economics/Arts degree at UNSW?

    bump sorry for late reply :P other people have said you cant though and only one major can be done for comm or eco in a combined degree at unsw unless its b commerce/economics
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    How many majors for B Commerce/Economics? Is it worthwhile?

    I like international stuff :) but following your advice that international business major isn't worthwhile I thought maybe I should just do comm international, majoring in eco and finance and do german in uni instead of on weekends and get to go over there for a year :) What do you think??
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    How many majors for B Commerce/Economics? Is it worthwhile?

    thanks! do you think commerce international would be better for me then? or just straight commerce?
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    How many majors for B Commerce/Economics? Is it worthwhile?

    Hi I have interests in economics, finance and international business. I also learn German on the weekends. Is this a good degree and is it worthwhile doing 3 majors? My interests are quite broad Thanks :)
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    UNSW Commerce or ANU dual law? Mid year intake question!

    How are you finding commerce at UNSW? ^^
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    UNSW Commerce or ANU dual law? Mid year intake question!

    I took a gap year but I want to go back and study I am considering dual law at ANU and commerce or combined commerce at UNSW. I live in Sydney with my parents and I don't really want to waste money moving out, but law is a great career and my mum says it opens many doors, however the money is...
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    Should I do Commerce or Economics? If you major in economics for a commerce degree..

    is it just as good as having an economics degree? The reason is I also want to major in finance, and hopefully do a double degree with arts :) Thanks!
  17. L

    I am in a huge dilemma. Help please! Mid year entry Eco or Comm, or Combined law 2014

    Re: I am in a huge dilemma. Help please! Mid year entry Eco or Comm, or Combined law its just that I'm not sure if I can wait that long (i.e. 10 months ish) to start
  18. L

    I am in a huge dilemma. Help please! Mid year entry Eco or Comm, or Combined law 2014

    Re: I am in a huge dilemma. Help please! Mid year entry Eco or Comm, or Combined law BUMP