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    long distance relationships

    mmmm true
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    don't marry your lover, marry your best friend

    never heard of it lol haha this is the second thread with mean girls quotes in it there should just be like MEAN GIRLS QUOTES thread somewhere roflmao
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    don't marry your lover, marry your best friend

    hahahaha step away from the underage girls. lol whne the girls are fighting and that guys like yeah! take your top off! roflmao
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    Favourite Condom?

    wow youre right, that guy was seriously unreasonably angry
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    don't marry your lover, marry your best friend

    she really did do a good job i want my pink shirt back! I WANT MY PICK SHIRT BACK!
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    Starting to freak out..

    who else is contemplating dropping out even though they know that theres only like eight months left and its a stupid idea? i know i am
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    long distance relationships

    whats wrong with scottish people? braveheart was a great movie
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    don't marry your lover, marry your best friend

    someone said say crack one more time crack and thats from mean girls so i had to talk about mean girls. lol.
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    The best movie lines

    lol this guy ^^^ has a good sig :)
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    long distance relationships

    no probably because she met him over the internet or something, like and its still going. did they meet over the internet? (not trying to offend people who meet over the internet and start dating)
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    Starting to freak out..

    doing four units of english and have four english assignments at the moment, overwheklmed by them. legal got a crap teacher, so its pretty much gonna be self taught i am so scared by my workload that im trying to block it out and then do it when i ive just woken up so i dont really remember...
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    long distance relationships

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    don't marry your lover, marry your best friend

    mean girls good stuff crack. im ap usher cady im a pusher. what does that even mean anyways, like a drug pusher?
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    long distance relationships

    :( im thinking something is gonna change :( but im gonna enjoy it while hes here. :)
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    The best movie lines

    lol funny
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    ditto lol. billy slater thinks hes all that, stuck up cocky jerk. not you billy slater lol

    ditto lol. billy slater thinks hes all that, stuck up cocky jerk. not you billy slater lol
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    Class of 2010: Eng Ext 2 Roll Call

    ...thanks. dammit. research.
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    moving out of ur family home

    lol i understood him. made total sense to me.