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    if you leave me i'll kill myself?

    this happened to me twice in the same relationship. one time it involved something similar to "if you break my heart, ill drink either a glass of metho or bleach". i panicked. safe to say that pretty much broke me heart
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    Dating your best mate's ex.

    yes it is. it will be up and ready by november. apparetnly.
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    Dating your best mate's ex.

    lol it was just a thought. hahaha funny how it turns into something.
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    Dating your best mate's ex.

    just asking for an opinion
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    Dating your best mate's ex.

    what if its your besties ex and you and your bestie had a falling out, but you and the besties ex genuinely have feelings for one another?
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    Do you think women want sex as much as men?

    SHE DOESNT EVEN GO HERE! i want my pink shirt back! I WANT MY PINK SHIRT BACK!!!
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    What is love ?

    my baby takes the morning train he works from nine to five and then he gets another home and then to find me waiting for him thats what love is.
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    What is love ?

    she said what and i told her that i didnt know shes so cool gonna sneak in through her window everythings better when shes around cant wait till her parents go out of town i fell in love with the girl at the rock show
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    Whats 'hot' for you?

    bahahaha nice
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    your current favourite song

    at the moment im loving "pride and joy" by stevie ray vaughan...way old school, but i cant get it outta my head.
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    Please complete a survey for me <3

    Healthy Canteen 2010 This survey is for a HSC Course Food Product Development. The aim is to conduct primary quantitative research to collect data and determine what students would like in their canteen as a healthy alternative. Please answer all questions, and select what is suited to your...
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    Help!! Anils ghost!!

    i attempted to read the damned novel three times and i couldnt concentrate on it at all. how does it end?
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    ee2 reflection statement

    its definitely not like a normal ORT analysis i know that much hahaha. anything specific that you'll be putting in?
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    ee2 reflection statement

    hey everyone, what exactly are you guys planning on including in your reflection statement? just wondering what they could be expecting and/or what is necessary to be included.
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    First three sentences....

    shes more stubborn than that. use of the full first name is because she always calls him that, he is never called tom by anyone, and this is who she is. always arguing a point
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    Do you pay board to live at home?

    also i dont get youth allowance.
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    Do you pay board to live at home?

    my house is two parents, two teenagers (my sister spends four nights a week at her boyfriends house, doesnt work, doesnt pay rent), my baby brother. i pay fifty a week, have been told to buy all my own food and wash my own clothes. rent is usually one eighty, so im paying more than a quarter...
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    First three sentences....

    the guy is lazy and doesnt really care, hes just sitting there waiting for her to finish, but everytime he goes "yeah", "okay honey" etc she gets shittier. just before "she decided to fight back" he told her off and thats what she did. he keeps letting her speak long sentences cause hes got the...
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    Best part of your relationship

    can i have someone obsess over me?? in a good way please lol hahahahahaha
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    First three sentences....

    hmmm. i did read it outloud, and i thought it would make sense. i mean i would say that kinda thing. i know stacks of people who would say that kinda thing.