Search results

  1. S

    Difference between Bachalor and major

    If you're asking those questions I think you might want to look at other options for uni.
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    ANU for sciences

    As Davo mentioned, if you want to pursue postgraduate studies or research then ANU is well worth a look. I'm personally not aware of any reasons that the undergraduate is alot better than anywhere else. The phb program is touted as being highly regarded and prestigious, although I think there's...
  3. S

    ANU for sciences

    They are GOOD:spzz: Please rewrite this with fewer errors and more specific questions.
  4. S

    Bachelor Degree? Honours? Masters? PhD?

    Start worrying next year, in the meantime talk to your course advisor.
  5. S

    Information on Accommodation

    Old fees are old.
  6. S

    ANU vs. Harvard for LAW.

    Hi guys, I currently study actuarial studies at ANU. I chose this degree in place of law at ANU because I didn't think the law degree carried enough prestige. I graduated with a UAI equivalent of 129, which incidentally is the same RON as racing fuel. After looking around I think Harvard is...
  7. S

    ANU Law VS USydney law...

    Employers in my field appreciate the ability to communicate effectively in english. I'm pretty good at that these days.
  8. S

    Actuarial Studies

    The page for act stud suggests that you only need those marks in the 3000 level STAT courses (most of which are very actuary specific). Although I can't imagine someone getting that in combination with passes for FINM. Something to strive for.
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    ANU Law VS USydney law...

    ...yes, of course.
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    ANU BoS meet-up

    Planning ahead is overrated
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    Best financial institution to join in the ACT?

    Commbank waives fees if you're a student. And yes, I read the entirety of your inital post.
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    Best financial institution to join in the ACT?

    They're signed. Don't speed = problem solved. The mobile vans are always in the same spot, there's a list of their location online somewhere.
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    Looking back on the first week

    Yes, and the statement is correct, if not a little ambiguous.
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    ANU BoS meet-up

    We should find him and bring him along for kicks, he'd be a great role model for the first years.
  15. S

    ANU BoS meet-up

    Drinking is independant of location, Moose is just cheap.
  16. S

    ANU BoS meet-up

    4 votes for Moose, motion carried. It would be spectacularly convenient if we did this on Thursday.
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    ANU Roll Call/About You Survey

    1. Ba Actuarial Studies 2. - 3. 2nd 4. 14 5. 5 6. Johns 7. Good, although I think I'll be ready to move out by the end of this year.
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    Looking back on the first week

    I had a wonderful first week, thank-you for asking.
  19. S

    Wireless Internet

    Also, I don't see that much of an issue. Speeds may suck, but free DL's are free DL's.
  20. S

    Wireless Internet

    That was a fucking stupid lecture....Did you get the example with cows? Cause I did, it sucked