Haha, thanks for the advice! ^_^ Originally was gonna do unsw chem eng but usyd biomed eng seemed more interesting and more suited to my liking. Now, I dunno if I should be regretting my choice =\
But how would I get a job anyway if the availability of the jobs for this degree aren't that good...
Oh, I see. So even when you switched streams of eng, because first year was very similar you didn't have to start year 1 again when you transferred?
I know that job prospects for biomed eng aren't so great but I was under the impression that chem eng had much better job prospects. If you...
Oh okay, thanks.
Btw, I've been reading a few threads with your posts (no stalking involved, pure coincidences) and I noticed that you changed from b mechanical (biomedical) engineering to b chemical and biomolecular engineering. Was this transition something personal e.g. change of interest or...
Just asking out of curiosity as I always get the preconception that UNSW is really asian whilst USyd is really anglo. So what exactly do you think are the true ratios? Note: it's not a deciding factor to my choice of uni, please don't just assume this.
I see. I emailed a lecturer before and he replied to me today that in the course Intro to biomed eng I would need to learn about statics which is apart of HSC physics. He said that it would be fine to not take the bridging. Is statics hard to learn?
Oh okay. That relieves me. :)
So even for a course like ELEC1103 where it states that HSC physics is assumed knowledge, the physics bridging course is useless?
Well I don't know much about physics having not done it for HSC but I have done 3u maths, will that suffice for 1st year?
Also in 2nd year I have to do the course: ELEC1103: Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronic Engineering which puts physics as assumed knowledge so I would still need it right?
I understand, I am willing to do the bridging course but I was just wondering whether it is vital that I do it before I begin first year? Would doing it in 2nd year affect me in any way? Money is an issue for me, I'm already enrolled in the chem bridging course and each bridging course is worth...
I'm doing b biomed eng and b science (psychology major) @ usyd and I don't know whether I really need to do a physics bridging course in the first year. I looked at the course structure and the subjects I will be doing in the first year, and none have physics as assumed knowledge. In second year...
The title says it all. I hope to study one of the two at usyd. I already got an offer for science at unsw but thinking about it more carefully I feel that usyd would be more beneficial since all the health-related degrees are at usyd and I hope to transfer into one of those after completion of...
I looked at some other timetables and felt that my timetable is really bad, is it normal? Also can I eat during lectures? Seeing as sometimes I have a straight 5 hours.
Oh okay. Then would it be fine to do MATH1131, PHYS1121, CHEM1011 and PSYC1001 in first semester and then MATH1231, CHEM1021, ENGG1000 and ENGG1811 in semester 2? Are ENGG1000 and ENGG1811 available in semester 2 and how would you check this?
Is there are reason as to why ENGG1000 and ENGG1811 are usually done in first semester? Because all the other maths, chem and physics have prerequisites in the second semester.
Are you referring to MATH1131 Mathematics 1A, MATH1231 Mathematics 1B, PHYS1121 Physics 1A, CHEM1011 Chemistry A, etc?
I was hoping to major in microbio for science but wanted to try a course in psychology, is this possible?
I'm doing b chemical engineering/b science and I absolutely have no idea what units I;m supposed to take. I looked at the science program in the unsw handbook but it doesn't even give out what courses there are. Chemical engineering does give out some idea of the program structure, in fact they...