I was debating between chem eng at unsw and biomed eng at usyd and in the end I put down chem eng as my first preference. I got accepted but after talking to uni people of both said courses, I found biomed eng was more of what I wanted (I couldn't do this any earlier as I was overseas and did...
Re: Things you should know about universities, and choosing.
I get the idea about studying something you enjoy but having never been to uni or not having the slightest clue of what a course would be like realistically, how would you be able to decide on a course you know you will enjoy? I want...
I achieved an atar of 96.9 and have studied MX1 and biology for my HSC. The assumed knowledge for biomed engineering at USyd in the uac guide is chemistry and physics. I did study chemistry in year 11 but dropped it because I failed to understand the explanations of my teacher. I have intentions...
Lol. Memorised all three essays the night before for trials and got the marks 17, 16, 17. Not bad right? :p
Tbh, so many people cram this way and I know so many people who also memorised their 3 essays the night before. So it's really nothing spectacular.
TT_TT I'm so stressed, I have four exams in the first week. The two english papers, economics and biology.
I have all my notes on economics and biology and I have my essays/short story crap but I haven't memorised maybe 2/3. I keep reading and reading but it just won't get into my head. I'm so...
So what's the difference? I was looking at some courses and saw a B engineering studies B law.
So when you graduate with B engineering studies do you major in something? Is it any different to a normal engineer?
Do you have to be top 15 for the duration of the med science course? That is for the 3 years you have to be top 15. I've heard you also need to complete the honors program.
Going to the UNSW open day this year they said that about 200 students do med science every year but they plan to increase to 220 or somethin because they're having a new building.
I know it's too early to determine an accurate ATAR but assuming my sister can maintain such marks for the year, what is the highest possible ATAR?
School rank: top 10 in NSW in 2011
Advanced English: 40/152
Maths: 30/154
MX1: 34/125
Japanese cont.: 1/17
Economics: 13/65
Lol sorry I...
My sister is doing HSC this year and she wants an estimate of her ATAR. She's feeling rather anxious to the pt that she thinks an ATAR of 90 is questionable..Thanks for help.
English advanced: 78% Rank: 59/180
Mathematics: 92% Rank: 21/161
MX1: 43/50 Rank: 11/126
Biology: 71% Rank: 22/75...