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  1. C

    Has anyone here done SIBT?

    i did SIBT first year, now in 3rd year commerce degree. Can answer anything you need to know. As for your above question there is a few things to take into consideration SIBT in general is easier (in commerce anyway) than uni courses. They are catered to international students so alot of...
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    Accounting 1A

    i doubt it i dont think you'd want to either, if you cant pass 1A youre going to find 1B a nightmare. 1B is much harder than 1A.
  3. C

    Accounting 1B

    by company do u mean share issue and share capital? you may want to revise that, its built upon during ACCG224 as well as ACCG308 otherwise nice work!
  4. C

    Accounting 1B

    Tbh just study the same way for 1B than you did for 1A but i guess do more of it? the subjects are pretty similar in the format, its just more stuff and i guess more in depth i got 84 in 1A, was pretty pissed i didnt get HD, so i made sure i just studied harder but in the same way and got a...
  5. C

    Urgent stat170 notes needed

    i agree. im in 3rd year now and stat was one of the biggest learning curves for me
  6. C

    Science of Sex

    Yes i am 99% sure there isnt
  7. C

    Guys can anyone recommend me an extremely easy people unit?

    Re: What easy subjects at macquarie give a high chance for a HD???? basically he failed at usyd, is dropping that degree and starting a new degree at maq, getting a good WAM then transferring back to usyd. i guess it makes sense but my guess is hell just have trouble again once he goes back to usyd
  8. C

    MQU Sem 1 2013 Results Thread

    not really for 1b in particular - like u said just be consistant during the year. like i said people find 1B challenging so i guess put more focus on it. in accounting in particular finals are generally predictable based off previous final exams, and most of the time class tests as well. What i...
  9. C

    MQU Sem 1 2013 Results Thread

    see the 68 is alot closer to the 71 that you got. basically your pre-final is inflated by the fact that 37.5% of the pre-final mark is determined by the fact that you were disciplined enough to do homework (alot of people just copy or w/e) and idk what assignment you had to do but 1A was pretty...
  10. C

    MQU Sem 1 2013 Results Thread

    in 1A your pre-final grade isnt a great indication of what you end up with. firstly its a 60% final so the majority of weighting did come from your final. Secondly u have 2 x 5% class test that would give the only real indication of how u should have gone in the final. what did u get in the...
  11. C

    MQU Sem 1 2013 Results Thread

    Some say 1B is harder than alot of 2nd and 3rd year accounting subjects. i didnt have much difficulty with it though (got HD). marketings the sort of subject u dont need to buy the textbook for (got D). Microeconomics is still one of the most challenging subjects ive done to date (im in 3rd year...
  12. C

    Guys can anyone recommend me an extremely easy people unit?

    Re: MQ commerce students!!! can you give me info on the difficulty of these subjects! for the average person id say yes, but of course people score HD in every course. i got HD in ACCG100 and ACCG101 but only just scraped a 76 in ACCG224 and im fairly sure they scaled that up as well
  13. C

    Can you CRAM ALL COMMERCE subjects in 1st/2nd year in a comm/law degree???????

    if anyone goes to the usyd forums they'll agree your a troll. if you got accepted to Macquarie, I really hope the moderators on our forum do a good job here. this guy seems really disrespectful even to people trying to give him help
  14. C

    Guys can anyone recommend me an extremely easy people unit?

    Re: MQ commerce students!!! can you give me info on the difficulty of these subjects! from what ive read about your history, you don't want to be doing ACCG224. Perhaps do BUSL250 instead, combine both competencies. Also if you are going to be doing 2 and 3 subjects per semester and open to the...
  15. C


    i did it in semester 2 2012. Course kinda shocked me in difficulty at the start, but u need to keep in mind that u get cheat sheets in the exams, which makes it a breeze. Thing that pissed me off about the course most was the participation bit. Ur given marks for participating in discussion...
  16. C

    Mac Uni Cafes and The Globe Cafe

    well i guess now its not gonna be so quiet...
  17. C

    Mac Uni Cafes and The Globe Cafe

    globe cafe is mainly for SIBT students. Its quiet during class hours and very busy inbetween. Im not a coffee drinker but i wouldnt rate the food.
  18. C

    Do you have to go to all classes starting Monday 25th?

    exactly. Go check out O-Week then head home!
  19. C

    Do you have to go to all classes starting Monday 25th?

    every subject ive been to has had tuts starting week two. I understand some units have tuts week 1 but i think BBA111 should start week 2. Check your ilearn
  20. C

    ACCG250 Prac and PAL classes?

    assignment were marked strict cos they were pretty easy =) i also got a 84 this semester, its frustrating but not as frustrating as getting 73-74!