I so agree! I don't rote learn essay's and I know all three core texts really well as well so I can pick and choose tomorrow! It would screw up 90% of the candidates which would probably work in my favour! In saying that, it would suck for that 90%
Well I don't wanna be stick thin or anything but i wanna be able to wear a bikini without having heart failure when i see someone i know if ya get what i mean... atm I'm 82 but I'm slowly losing... I just wanna know when I should stop, I spose I'm aiming for the lower end of healthy to suit my...
Can I just get a few opinions,
I know I'm overweight but only by 3 or 4 kilos above the "healthy weight" range. My physical bone structure is actually rather small but I'm about 177cm, my question is what in your opinion is a healthy weight. The BMI range for my height is about 20kg from top to...
yep, one a week... seriously he's a total jerk!
Don't get me wrong, I love the show, just hate the character and in reality he wouldn't be nearly as well regarded as he is etc... He's just so damn rude!
Funny you should say that about pink highlighter....
But seriously, they scan the maths papers so what if the pink highlighter doesn't show up on the scan, I used it to make the final answer really clear???
med can be combined with arts at UNSW for a 7 year course... philosophy is just a major if I'm correct?
It's what I'm hoping to do next year with a major in english or lote
I second this! Wooz is seriously helpful when it comes to med questions! Just make sure you try and find out the answer yourself first, I've seen a few rants about this from him... But seriously, and awesome med mod lol
Technically the marker isn't required to mark it if it's not in black or blue pen and it probably wont show up well when they scan it either
Let's just hope yours isn't the last paper of the night before they pack up!
Is it weird that massive piles of huge complex textbooks excites me for studying Med? Not as much as the thought of clinical work though :) Argh better go study :( stupid high ATAR
Fair enough however if/when you become a doctor you wouldn't be allowed to practise on your mum anyway. Just have to go round helping everyone else's Mums.
Re: Band 6 Raw?
Bummer! Ah well, it was only one mark at least. Knowing BOS they might've made it 2 or 3.
Did anyone else think that some of the mark weightings were a bit strange?