That paper was a gift! Seriously, it was soo easy! For Frankenstein and Blade Runner I did it heaps different to you guys... I wrote about the promethean identity causing disruption, the lack of identity for women causing disruption and Shelley's identity as a Romantic disrupting her society...
they can't be expected to award you marks for something they cant even read but they will make every effort to read it even if this means photocopying it and making it huge and stuff, i know hsc markers who have had to do this, they really do want to give you marks
That's exactly the sort of negative comment he's reflecting on... Completely unnecessary and designed to make other people feel shit.
Please try to grow up
I say that it is like any other subject, the more you put in the more you get out. If you like English and are good, you can achieve an average mark with very little work however it is designed for people who love English and who will want to learn more about their texts not because they have to...
I'm guessing that you're referring to the need for school ranks to get ATAR estimates here, it isn't actually BOS which provide school ranks but usually it's newspapers eg SMH that calculate them based on the percentage of band six responses at your school.
As you can see, it is a calculation...
I don't think that the marker will think "aha, no underline hence poorer marks" but I think that it will generally lift the quality of your writing and will give the marker a good impression of you which would lead to a better mark. It helps to show a level of sophistication to your writing...
How the hell was your teacher even in the room is with you??? And that is so unbelievably wrong and unfair!!! My teacher wasn't allowed to even look at the exam until 3/4 of the way through!
This is a valid argument however "a variety" doesn't explicitly specify three or more (including prescribed). It may specify two, it may specify more than two. In this instance I believe that BOS have interpreted it as two. Possibly if you were doing Skrzynecki or Dickinson you could do a few...
Feliks, Migrant, 10 Mary Street and Ancestors + one related
Mine was all about different facets of belonging and the way understanding affects them eg spiritual
my related was psalm 23 which i kinda regret, it's fairly short ...
I think the moral of the whole incident is, regardless of how many texts you did, read the questions very carefully in paper 2, there's nothing you can do to change paper one they're probably all sitting in police stations right now waiting to go to marking centres or wherever they go...
Yeah, I wouldn't disagree with the syllabus, I was talking to my big sister who was set to get 95, she disagreed with the syllabus in two of her essays, she got 70. don't do it, just don't. If you've already prepared your essay to disagree, get off here and get working!
Say this was a maths peper (stay with me on this one) and the question was 1+4. The answer is 5. No matter how many people wrote 6 the answer is 5. Same applies here, just because half the state it looks like wrote about 2 related texts doesn't mean that you won't get a lower mark, half the...
I was talking to my English teacher about it and he said that since people could write far better essays with two texts they were testing our writing and synthesising skills. He rekons that people who used more than two weren't showing these skills as much and weren't obeying the instructions so...
I've actually changed my mind, it wouldn't be so bad because I would know so much more now than I did a year ago... not necessarily about the coursework although that would help, but just about organisation, time management and that sort of thing... it's only now that i realise that all that...
I've worked like a dog all year and these last two weeks I've just realised that it's not worth the stress and anguish I've been putting myself through so I've dropped off heaps with the study, I've only been doing a little bit each day for the last week or so but I'm a pretty good crammer so...