annoyed this isn't loaded with proper mac os. seems like apple have created something which is a little redundant, although it'll probably find its niche somewhere and become overwhelmingly popular.
fails to have the wow factor like the iphone did though.
fyi, the cut off is 89.95 this year
i have two friends doing this course. it struck me as being a somewhat odd course though, being heavily focussed on the photographic medium - seems like a course you'd do as a diploma somewhere else.
yeah i'm thinking of doing media production or public communication at UTS, hence why arts would make a lot more sense. whether UTS sees ND's B arts being at a reasonable standard is yet to be seen, although hearsay, mainly from my careers advisor and a few friends' stories say otherwise.
that's kinda like asking a honda salesman whether a honda car is good or not imo, although who knows
it's definitely not 'pay only 20% of total' - what they probably meant is that if you pay part of your fees upfront, then you get a 20% discount (although don't quote me on this) - show me the...
i've met a few that completely go against the stereotype, only because they have somewhere to go in their lives, unlike the hordes of common aboriginal stereotypes
them, unlike others don't have a sense of entitlement and are more than willing to work to achieve their goals in life
yes it would, but you would just have a large debt. it would be $6000 a semester if you paid 20% upfront, but still the overall cost would be $18-24 thousand for the entire course over a 12 and 16 month period respectively.
you would have advance standing in that course so yeah, you should...