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    110 hypes in 24 hours sheesh
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    annoyed this isn't loaded with proper mac os. seems like apple have created something which is a little redundant, although it'll probably find its niche somewhere and become overwhelmingly popular. fails to have the wow factor like the iphone did though.
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    Superbowl XLIV. Whos your tip?

    yeah colts for sure, maybe a saints last minute upset; but i can see the colts being dominant for most of the game
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    ah well i mixed you up with a similar username, sorry on my part however my comment on the...

    ah well i mixed you up with a similar username, sorry on my part however my comment on the snobbery still stands :/
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    thanks liz :/

    thanks liz :/
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    Wish List Thread

    crocodiles? they're a little boxy but i guess i kinda like that
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    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official Football Thread oh man leeds
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    Wish List Thread

    $135, somewhat affordable
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    Photography and Situated Media UTS

    fyi, the cut off is 89.95 this year i have two friends doing this course. it struck me as being a somewhat odd course though, being heavily focussed on the photographic medium - seems like a course you'd do as a diploma somewhere else.
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    OFFICIAL Easter Show Thread

    Re: Sydney Easter Show whats the pay generally for showbag/customer service work? going on rides during my break sounds alright though
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    Candida Yeast Infection. Anyone?

    ewww thrush jesus christ
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    UWS or ND?

    that's exactly what i thought. damn people with qualifications trying to tell me different.
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    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official Football Thread then what is league the sport of, people in a persistent vegetative state? :confused:
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    UWS or ND?

    yeah i'm thinking of doing media production or public communication at UTS, hence why arts would make a lot more sense. whether UTS sees ND's B arts being at a reasonable standard is yet to be seen, although hearsay, mainly from my careers advisor and a few friends' stories say otherwise.
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    that's kinda like asking a honda salesman whether a honda car is good or not imo, although who knows it's definitely not 'pay only 20% of total' - what they probably meant is that if you pay part of your fees upfront, then you get a 20% discount (although don't quote me on this) - show me the...
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    probably going to buy an MBP, dual boot it with windows and beat off
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    Racism against Aboriginal Australians/Torres Strait Islanders

    i've met a few that completely go against the stereotype, only because they have somewhere to go in their lives, unlike the hordes of common aboriginal stereotypes them, unlike others don't have a sense of entitlement and are more than willing to work to achieve their goals in life
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    yes it would, but you would just have a large debt. it would be $6000 a semester if you paid 20% upfront, but still the overall cost would be $18-24 thousand for the entire course over a 12 and 16 month period respectively. you would have advance standing in that course so yeah, you should...
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    Triple J's Hottest 100 2009

    mumford and who? i am really disconnected with today's youth