certificate of citizenship or visa if you were a permanent resident? something like that
i should've applied, but i think the criteria is a lot more stringent than EAS. oh, and does anyone know when that commonwealth start-up scholarship is paid? like a few weeks after we confirm study details?
oh god, i'll have to eat under 1000 calories per day pretty soon to get anywhere. i lost about 4-5kg in 3 weeks without much intention, but i've put that back on so i'll start again
what are the merits of 'cheat days' where you can eat what you want? apparently it 'shocks' your body?
get a friend to come in during their shift and be thoroughly displeased with the competitor's service, making sure that the manager hears all about it
actually several just in case
i know one who hasn't stated a preference, hasn't had any relationships or anything remotely romantic/sexual happen to her; but still dresses like a complete ganga with a sinead o'connor haircut
more confusing than anything
this is probably the most i'll go, i already find christina hendricks quite physically intimidating
depends where i go though, if i'm at griffin i always watch plays with a bunch of people but if it's the stc i'll tend to go myself? weird, but because i'm part of a panel on griffin we get invited to their plays after we have meetings
galleries i never plan to go, i'll usually just drop by if...