I think they look good and have heard good things but beyond that have no real opinion apart from the fact that drivers of the aurion still seem to adhere to 'fucking camry driver' stereotypes
Well then yeah, by all accounts a great little 250. Technologically advanced/expensive for its price and market so got pulled.
Take for test ride etc see how you like it
Don't hit any trees now ya hear
zr250 like the balius or zxr250 but you are a dumbcunt and left out the x
The balius is by all accounts a great bike, they stopped selling them because they were too expensive production wise to justify the cost they were selling at or something
zxr250 was the fastest 250 inline 4 iirc but as...
You wouldn't be liable for any costs as far as I know. I'm sure they've had similar happen before and it will happen again... tell them another opportunity has come along and thank them for their time, done.
I missed the last bit about the car braking too late
But why do you think we filter
Getting to the front is nice (and indeed saves me a lot of time when commuting), but a big part of it is because no one is going to hit you from behind when they are already stopped
Ditto with bikes going...
I ride sensibly (albeit sometimes in a manner that others would call aggressively)
I'm still fairly surprised you have come across so many of these riders who apparently overtake then slow down. If I'm in the mood for getting somewhere quickly I won't be in front of people for very long before...
Nobody required to touch steering wheel / accel / brake when we filter stopped traffic. Nobody has to brake when I overtake in moving traffic, I am by the very nature of 'overtaking' going at a greater speed than they are.
I get what you are saying, extend common courtesies etc, and I agree...
I had respect for you, until this statement.
What is wrong with us (us being motorcycle riders) using our smaller size and greater maneuverability to go places you cannot?
We don't hold you up in any way. We don't require you to do anything except be a responsible driver, which you should do...
I give people in general (not just L platers) space/time to merge, I even physically motion for them to do it if they are taking their time (riding a motorcycle my gestures etc are quite visible).
Some people are just stupid so I gun it past them.
It suckssss
Middle of asphalt thing, never going fast enough to get decent wind over you
Tempted to go up later this afternoon and watch the actual test
Face meet palm
Numerous studies have all shown 9-12 reps induce the greatest amount of hypertrophy. But I'm sure you know better than all these studies and the ACSM. Perhaps you should write a letter to inform them of their mistake.
If your aim was muscle bulk and strength you would...