If you are not used to eating breakfast your body will not find it appealing
Basically harden up and have breakfast, eventually your body will come around
From this very case file/notes/whatever they are called
"Refusal to hand over the motorcycle. As to the fourth alleged breach of duty – that the Licensee could simply have refused to hand over the motorcycle – counsel for the Board and Mrs Scott correctly declined to defend what Tennent J...
Dozens of bouncers, lol
I doubt bar staff or whatever limited bouncers/security get paid enough to take knocks trying to stop someone driving their own car. Even if they were, are they going to follow every tipsy person that leaves to their car?
The guy handed his keys in ahead of time. He...
This is true, part of the RSA and all that. However, not all people show visible signs at the same point, and most importantly not all people buy their own drinks.
No, they are not being responsible. If they know they are going to be drinking heavily, to the point where they 'plan ahead' and...
Responsibility lies with the individual and no one else
First up, anyone who rides a motorcycle and intends to drink, let alone get drunk, is dumber than my left nut. Shouldn't have rode there in the first place.
Second, why should the owner/staff have to get into a potential confrontation...
I don't smoke cos it is retarded
I have not drunk in the past because of various encounters with drunk people that led me to loathe them, because it is useless nutritionally and because other stuff tastes better. As of late slightly curious about whiskey etc so may try such things
Drugs never...
If there isn't enough space of course I move over, if I'm able
You seem to think I have no idea about this merging business
How can you not have come across these retards
They will get on the motorway at 70 and sloooooowly creep up to the limit
For all I know they merged yesterday the cunts...
This, because heaps of people can't seem to figure out that the giant ass on ramp is so you can get up to the fucking speed limit
If you want rough/animalistic/whatever sex and your partner isn't doing it themselves then either get the ball rolling yourself or speak up
If you and your partner both suck at the carnal arts in general, its an excuse to practice practice practice
To answer original post, I probably wouldn't...
Depends! Quickies are fun. Taking time is fun.
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I doubt I am the only male who enjoys such things
Far from it
Seems like you just happened to jump on a dud grenade
'Breakfast lunch and tea' would sit well with me (frequency wise)
I don't really have a level where I say oh okay now you are in the low category, but my ex ex was maybe once every few days or something so