LOL that's funny same thing happened to me I ended up bullshiting my answers and in the end got really good marks but yes that is bad so don't do it lol!
I don't pay board and I have never been asked to. I'm the eldest and do my fair share around the house I do a lot of the washing and ironing, vacuuming and stuff. I help look after my trwo little sisters. Both my parents work full time so I don't mind helping out. In return my parents give me...
Chemistry scales well and so does bio to an extent. But you really shouldn't worry about scaling if you love food tech you are likely to do well in it thus it won't matter how it scales plus there is no such thing as a subgect that scales 'badly' it either scale normally or scales up.
This is how to structure an essay: - TOFEES
T-Topic Sentence (Thesis)
F-Feature(of language)
S-Sum it up
My teacher says you would do FEE at least three times each being a different paragraph and TO is one paragraph and S is a paragraph on its own...
Here it is straight , I keep generally good grades I'm talking 90s however atm my english needs just a little bit of work don't judge people when you know nothing about them. My ATAR aim is 96+ because I know that is what I can get. I came in the top three of all my classes at the end of has...
Need to do comparison by tomorrow, I'm completely lost havent read the book can't make sense of sparknotes and the movie went right over my head PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!