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  1. F

    Frankenstien/Blade Runner

    Would definatly agree with the history point however totally disagree with the principal point i guess as a student you do get an inside look of what really goes on behind closed doors Alice Cains was of the biggest narcissistic bitches around over her rain roughly 8 or 9 teachers when on stress...
  2. F

    Frankenstien/Blade Runner

    I agree Duval use to be better but ever since Alice Cains It has just gone down hill faster and faster. As the saying goes the fish rots from the head down. I have parents at both schools and there was once a time where mum swore by Duval and swore it was better now she says that if it hasn't...
  3. F

    Frankenstien/Blade Runner

    Ya ok thanksNo way I went to the other public school here in Armidale and Noway is it better i will never regret changing....but really the word sense....that is one of the weirdest reasons to get annoyed I have ever heard. lol but thanks for the advice.
  4. F

    Frankenstien/Blade Runner

    Thought about that but the more people I spoke to the more they toldme that that movies and the book were really different and I would just confuss me. But thanks for the thought.
  5. F

    Frankenstien/Blade Runner

    Pretty much everything I have read the first 3 letters of the book that is it I watched blade runner and I didnt understand half of it, I wouldnt no where to start when it canme to comparing them and well yes...
  6. F

    Frankenstien/Blade Runner

    Not really you not have anything that can help me did I not make the fact I was seriously desperate obvious enough????
  7. F

    Frankenstien/Blade Runner

    Ya I tried but I'm still ost any help would be appriciated:uhhuh: and what is with the lol AHS??? You know the school???
  8. F

    Frankenstien/Blade Runner

    I really need help so here is the story: Before you all get on here telling me I shouldn't look for the easy way out or I should do the work myself I will explain in brief why I need help: I am rather behind on my school work because not only am I trying to keep up on my school work I am...
  9. F

    5 of your favourite non-musical sounds

    *Rain on the room top after months of drought....Those who put falling to sleep to heavy rain most likely don't actually know the really joy it brings to the heart it times of drought to hear the first pitter patters of rain on the room tops. *The ocean at night *The sound the animals make...
  10. F

    Obsession in Frankenstien

    Thanks heaps that is a good start I won't copy it that's just uncool......
  11. F

    Obsession in Frankenstien

    Hi everyone this is really urgent. I need to write a one page summary on how Victor's obsession with the creation of life is depicted in the book and it is due tomorrow any help would be greatly apprisiated. (quotes, explainations etc.) Please please help I so stuck.:o Plaese and Thank you...
  12. F

    TOFEES - Skrzynecki

    This is awesome dude is there any chance of getting a copy of the essay promise no point anyway it is non assessed so it would be stupid just so i can see what your perspective on the poem was.
  13. F

    TOFEES - Skrzynecki

    Thats cool did you do it for Skrzynecki - do you have any examples I could have a look at. :spin:
  14. F

    TOFEES - Skrzynecki

    Hey, Our teacher has us doing this stupid TOFEES thing for all the Peter Skrzynecki poems we have studied. TOFEES stands for: Topic sentence Overview Feature of language Examples Effects Summary Was wondering if anyone else has heard of this and/or conplete some that I could have a look...
  15. F

    HSC Geo Ecosystems at Risk - Intertidal Wetlands and Coastal Sand Dunes

    Ok guys the assignment says the following: *Briefly describe the ecosystem *What are the factors that put each ecosystem at risk *What management strategies are in place to protect each ecosystem. My two ecosystems are: intertidal wetlands and Coastal Sand Dunes. Is anyone had any info it...
  16. F

    English Trials

    Yeah i didnt the same trial we got our answers back i did pretty well in it but no so well in the exended answers drop us an email and i send u the marking criteria if u want!!