yessss i have so much i ned to talk about and i havent evan got 1000 words left. there are so many things i want to add but i have to give a pass..
.. but im abit confused. is the 6000 word limit for the central material along. or is it for the cenbtral material, introducion and conclusion...
hey everione,
i was just wondering if someone could explain the cross cultural perspective part of the PIP. Im just confused about how im supose to format it.
i know its about the contrast of two things im just not 100% on how to do it. my teacher has explained it a number of times but i...
1. Female
2. Do you believe there is a difference between jealousy and envy?
If so, please explain
I believe that to be jealous of someone you must first envy what he or she have, that you don’t have. Or what they can do that you can’t. You wish you have something you don’t so your...
thanx.. that sounds like a good idea. i was just confused about where to start. that was a real help. thank you, im working on my secondary sources now. its not as easy as i though but atleast i hve some idea of wat im doin lol.
hey everione, i have already decided on my pip topic which it "the myth of the adolescent, their portrayal in the media and teen movies" . i pretty much chose this topic because its wat im most interested in. i would really like all your opinions. and if possible where i could gain some...