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  1. MrTammoth

    NEED help, Trials in 1.2 days, stuck on English

    Due to poor time management, i'd suggest that you should read all over you're quotes and the analysis of your quotes. Memorising and regurgitating is a terrible method. All english teachers want is for you to answer the question.
  2. MrTammoth

    Whose ready for Trials?

    9000 seconds wow i'm jelly
  3. MrTammoth

    Whose ready for Trials?

  4. MrTammoth

    Someone help me 6 exams in 4 days.

    Really?!?!?! too bad UWS is a trek
  5. MrTammoth

    Someone help me 6 exams in 4 days.

    Guys it's not about the white kids, it's about ME MRTAMMOTH. he needs your fucking help
  6. MrTammoth

    Someone help me 6 exams in 4 days.

    omg i'm still paranoid how i'm the only fucking student in my cohort, whose timetable is distorted. I can't simply comprehend 6 exams in 4 days.
  7. MrTammoth


    You're asian deal with it. By the looks of it you're going to get a band 5 at least for english which won't be that detrimental towards your atar.
  8. MrTammoth

    Has anyone done their Chem and Physics Prac?

    My school is stupid and we haven't done dot point 5 of chemical monitoring so i'm guessing maybe titration we'll be doing that.
  9. MrTammoth

    Has anyone done their Chem and Physics Prac?

    no the other test where you need to do the prac itself
  10. MrTammoth

    English Trials.

    Rumble how do i prepare for english when i have 4 other exams the next day? Do i have to sacrifice english?
  11. MrTammoth

    Anyone Do Their Maths Trials Yet?

    His probably not satisfied with his 99.90 atar. His leeching so hard to achieve his 99.95 atar
  12. MrTammoth

    Has anyone done their Chem and Physics Prac?

    If so care to share
  13. MrTammoth

    Anyone Do Their Maths Trials Yet?

    You did HSC in 1998 why so worried.
  14. MrTammoth

    English Trials.

    already have got 15/15
  15. MrTammoth

    English Trials.

    Don't get me wrong but 20% weighting for English trials isn't a lot lmao..... Each essay is approx 1.67% which contributes towards my internal marks. :thrust::thrust::thrust::thrust::thrust::thrust::thrust::thrust::thrust::thrust::thrust::thrust::thrust::thrust::thrust: English does not make...