You'll definately get you desired atar that you dream to achieve! Just gtfo bos now and study. I can't stop telling this to several people that this website is terribad, yes not just terrible but also bad. This site is full of lethal toxins and they like to crush your dreams and let you live in...
Can I please request you to change the colour of my block to a vibrant colour please. Grey is very dull and boring and it makes me sad. I feel like I'm starting to hide myself and become anti social. Love you too hubby bubby. Thanks in advance darl
Rude so rude. Don't be a D@ck head to people who wish for an opinion. 'not sure if srs' such quote that can insinuate such horrific meanings. Learn to APPRECIATE the community you live with. Give a reliable answer that can give him some guidance! You're not first material mate.
Do what you like! No job is perfect every job out their has stress and it will forever exist. Don't be stressed or scared! You'll get through this with me mate i will guarantee you! Even if you don't achieve your GOLD atar it's not the end of the world. HSC is a way of preparing you for uni as i...
Music 1 = Professional at performance has a great EAR. All about the performance great for the audition application to UNI.
Music 2 = Professional at performance has a great EAR and can handle music theory. Also music 2 is very handy for Con because requirements is music theory and you can get...