So anyways today i spoke to the teacher who organised the trial timetable.
She said "noh noh, we no change timetabrel, you are duh smart boi, you learn duh hard way"
like nek minit later she becomes so incoherent, it almost felt like she started to hyperventilate, and then gradually...
I got english paper 1 on monday
English paper 2 on tuesday
Physics prac in morning and Chem theory exam in afternoon on wednesday
Mathematics in morning and Hospitality in afternoon on thursday.
Teacher said she'll move Hospitality to friday afternoon.
Nek minit
"No time table will...
Have english tomorrow. How does one simply memorise 6000 words.
Have Physics prac and Chem exam next day.
Have Maths and hospo the next day.
6 exams crammed. Goodbye 99.95 atar.
"One must choose to sacrifice"
HSC is a matter of preparing you for UNI. HSC does not distinguish you from dumb people and smart people. It is only designed to test your ability to study and cope with the intense work load that will evolve once you get into UNI.