Buongiorno a tutti! Hello everyone!
Avete bisogno del professore d'italiano? Do you need an Italian tutor?
I am offering tutoring services in Italian Beginners for the HSC. I am an HSC Italian Continuers student. I have studied Italian for three years.
Cost? Let c be the cost...
Buongiorno a tutti!
Mi chiamo James. Faccio l'anno undici e studio italiano a scuola. Voi studiate italiano a scuola? Cosa scuola frequentate?
Hello everyone!
My name is James. I am in Year 11 and I study Italian at school. Do you study Italian at school? What school do you attend?
It would...
What aligned HSC marks in my subjects do I need to get to achieve an ATAR of 95? In your answer please do not assume that a certain subject will not be counted. Give HSC marks (the average of the moderated assessment mark and aligned external HSC exam mark) for each subject assuming that any...
The set texts for Mathematics and Mathematics Extension 1 at my school are Maths in Focus textbooks. I do the Mathematics course and I am quite unimpressed with the content of the textbook. I am aware that the first topic, Basic Arithmetic and Algebra, is supposed to be relatively easy. However...
Are the 2010, 2011 and beyond calculus-based NSW Higher School Certificate mathematics external HSC examination papers (Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1 and Mathematics Extension 2) going to have multiple choice or constrained response questions? Will all the courses have papers that include...
Are there are undergraduate university courses in Australia which qualify you as a dentist? What are they called and what universities offer them? Or is dentistry only offered as a postgraduate course?
Thank you.
Write in if you're doing Legal Studies Preliminary course (NSW HSC) in 2010. There is a new syllabus which includes modified/changed content in the preliminary certificate and Higher School Certificate courses.
Here's the link to the new syllabus...
I am aware that the shortest time it takes to become a FRACGP (qualified Australia and New Zealand General Practitioner) is 10 years, with a five-year undergraduate MB BS or B Med.
Normally it takes 11 years to become a GP. Does it take 11 years to become a paediatrician, which seems to...
I'm not saying it's easy, because it's not. But do you think the HSC will be super-hard like people make it seem? I'm aiming for an ATAR of 87 for Occupational Therapy and whilst I don't think getting that ATAR will be a breeze; people exaggerate...
What do you think, '11ers?
So, do you believe that NSW Higher School Certificate courses in science require heavier maths to be written into the syllabuses? Or are you of the school of the thought that says, "less maths makes the scientific concepts more accessible and easier to understand, therefore it must be a good...
How does your mathematics teacher teach the subject? In the old-fashioned way that most teachers seem to use: "here are some worked solutions, now do fifty similar contrived questions from the textbook"?
I find that I enjoy mathematics more when I solve a problem that I created myself than...
Hello all,
I have recently confirmed my subject choices. I chose:
English (Advanced)
Italian Continuers
Studies of Religion II
I plan to start school doing those subjects. I would like to know if you think that I could do well in Mathematics. I know...
Hello all,
I plan to study Italian Continuers next year. I am the only student in my school who has chosen it and I will be in a mixed class with 7 Italian Beginners students. If I keep Italian for year 12, as I would be the only student in my year doing it, would I definitely receive my...
Hello all,
TAFE says on their website that Semester 1 2010 applications closed on October 30, 2009. Does anyone know if TAFE accepts late applications? Is there any way that I can start doing the Certificate II in Animal Studies (to lead to the Cert IV in Veterinary Nursing) in early 2010?
Hello all,
I have chosen English (Advanced) and it sounds boring as hell. I am sure many students would agree that it and English (Standard) are extremely boring and not worth studying.
I have read that a teacher thought ESL should be the basic English course. I have also heard numerous...
Hello all,
My understanding of a prerequisite is a subject that you need to complete before you can gain entry to a course. Is this correct?
The prerequisites for JCU's Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery are:
English, Maths B and Chemistry (Physics desirable)#
Where is James Cook University located? Is it in Queensland? What town? Also, are there campuses in more than one state?
I'm sorry. This is probably fairly obvious to a lot of people. Please try to not get mad at me.
Thank you.
Hello all,
It has been said that this year's HSC physics paper contained an unprecedented amount of mathematical calculations that were more difficult than the calculations i past HSC papers. A lot of people undoubtedly feel that the course is moving in the right direction and that more...