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  1. S

    "The Curious Incident..." (English Standard) and "Hamlet" (English Advanced)

    This thread is mainly for The curious incident of the dog in the night time by Mark Haddon. I have not read nor studied Hamlet, so you are invited to contributed any ideas or notes on Shakespeare's Hamlet. Close study of a text: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time by Mark Haddon...
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    Belonging Study Guide '09 - related material (includes "Numb" analysis).

    Hi HSC '09ers and others, if you haven't already finished studying belonging or would like some useful advice for the final HSC English Exam Paper 1, then you have come to the right place. Related Material for Belonging (Suggested) The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger What...
  3. S

    Post you 2008 EE2 SHORT STORIES here!

    Hi all, Please post your EE2 short stories in this thread. Please do not post short stories you are working on for EE2 2009, as there is the threat of people plagarising your work. You may also post EE2 short stories you completed in 2001 - 2007. Also, short stories unrelated to EE2 are...
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    Sam's curiosities

    Hi all, I have just been having a play with SAM. I put in 13 units: English Advanced, English Extension 1, English Extension 2, Mathematics (General), Chemistry, Italian Continuers, Society and Culture, Studies of Religion 1. Now, even when I put 100 for General Math it doesn't count. Why...
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    Ancient vs. Modern vs. History Extension

    Which is more enjoyable, in your opinion? Ancient History, Modern History or Extension History? Please note that I am referring to the HSC subjects. If you wish to comment on the overall subject area outside of the HSC, please do so. However, do not base your vote on histories you have studied...
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    Medicine (MB BS) - Prerequisite Subjects

    For the MB BS (Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery), what are the prerequisite subjects? Is Mathematics Advanced or even Mathematics Extension 1 required or would Mathematics General 2 suffice? (There is a focus study included as part of this subject called "Mathematics and Health" in which...
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    Do Chemistry and Food Tech relate?

    Hi everyone, I'm James ... I'm just wondering if Chemistry and Food Technology relate. My Year 9 science teacher once said "Cooking is chemistry", so do the two subjects relate? Is it beneficial to do both at the same time (i.e. does being good in one help you with the other)? Thanks!
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    Eligibility for Spanish Continuers

    Hi everyone, I'm James. I'm in Year 10 this year and I think that next year I would like to do Spanish Continuers through the Open High School (as I might want to be an interpreter and Spanish is a language offered as part of the UWS BA in Interpreting/Translation program). I currently study...
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    Business Studies

    Hi all, If anyone does Business Studies, could you please say what you think of it as a subject? Is it easy/hard/boring/interesting/practical/useless??? Obviously I'm thinking a bit ahead, but I might do it for Year 11 and 12... I do Commerce at the moment, and althought it's a bit dry at...
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    What do you think of my short story?

    Hi all Story attached. It's titled "Sergio meets Mr Gough". Anyway, if you could please critique it that would be very much appreciated. :D Sorry, it's incredibly long - 3,000 words (4 A4 pages). - James Sergio Meets Mr Gough © James Schofield, 2008 “You! Out!” The tall, stocky...
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    Hi everyone! Um hey, just wondering if I could get people's opinions on here about Business Studies, Legal Studies and Economics. Anyone do all three? What's it like? Yeah, what I wanted to know most is which course would you say is the most useful and/or practical? Just in general, which of...
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    School Certificate ITALIAN Roll Call Class

    Hi everyone. My name is James. Mi chiamo James e studio italiano a scuola. Any one else, if you do YEAR 9 or YEAR 10 Italian in NSW, this is a roll call, tell us who you are. Elective Italian students, BUONGIORNO A TUTTI! Well...come on, what are you waiting for? :D Sign in, or...
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    Amount of free periods?

    Hi all Yeah, just wondering how many frees you people get a fortnight. I get 6 for my distance ed. course, yr 12s get 17...your thoughts? Does your school supervise you and force you to do "quiet study" or do they let you do what you want? Are you allowed to have a late start/early leave...
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    Yr 11 & 12 French - Please Help!

    I am starting Year 9 next year. For my two electives, I'm doing Commerce and Italian (see signature). I would like to do French in Yr 11 (it wasn't possible for me to do two languages over Year 9 & 10). As my knowledge of the French language is derived solely from 100 hours of study in Year 7, I...
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    Stage 5 Open High School French

    Bonjour tout le monde!:wave: Je m'appelle James. Next year I'm doing French through Open High School for Year 9 and then for Year 10 as well. So, I know what the process is like (study is supervised in the library and work sent off to the Open High School for marking once completed - every week...