Search results

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    Can an MD work as a nurse?

    Hello all, Can a qualified medical doctor work as a nurse without obtaining a Bachelor of Nursing? Can they become a registered nurse without further study? Similarly, can a qualified MD work as a physiotherapist without completing extra formal education and training? Thank you. Regards, James
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    Should PD/H/PE be considered a science?

    Hello all, Do you consider PD/H/PE to be a science? Do you think that it should be considered a science? I'm not sure. I think it is a lot like a science course. It will definitely help me with medicine/surgery or nursing - the first aid and sports medicine options will be particularly useful...
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    Is doing three sciences without mathematics unwise?

    Hello all, I am considering studying physics, chemistry and biology without mathematics. My subjects would be: Biology Chemistry English Advanced Hospitality Italian Physics Studies of Religion I I've already established that it is possible to succeed in physics without doing...
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    What is the most interesting HSC science course

    What is the most HSC (Year 12) science course, in your opinion? Why? Thank you for your replies.
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    Option topics

    Hello all, Which option topics are covered in HSC Biology in Focus? Also, what option topic do you recommend? Thanks. James
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    Genetics practicals

    Hello all, What are some practicals you can do in HSC Biology for either Blueprint of Life or Genetics: The Code Broken? James
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    Who's going to the opera house to see The Taming of the Shrew?

    Hello all, Please refer to the thread's title: a lot of Preliminary HSC (English Advanced) students studied the Taming of the Shrew for an area of study, such as Change or Conflict, others studied it for their modules. What I'm interested in is, who liked it, and who's going to see the...
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    Standard of Year 10 Mathematics required to succeed in HSC Mathematics

    Hello all, Basically all I want to know now is what the title says: what is the minimum standard expected of students entering the Prelim Mathematics course? I'm in Year 10, I study Mathematics Stage 5.3 and I average about 70%. Would I do okay in Prelim and HSC Maths (2 unit)? By "okay" I...
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    Best HSC Biology option topic?

    Hello all, What's the best Biology option topic for the HSC? Purely based on your opinion, that is. Bias has a place here; I'm interested to see what people think. I haven't started Year 12 Bio, but the Genetics option appeals most to me if I had to pick one. Your thoughts? Vote on the poll...
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    Subject 'required' for Physio

    Hello all, My name is James, I'm in Year 10. I would like to study Physiotherapy at USYD in 2013 (after taking a gap year in 2012 - the year that the world supposedly ends)... will my subjects cover me for the assumed knowledge in a roundabout way? They recommend Chem and Phys as assumed...
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    Minor Amendments to 2010 Biology Stage 6 Syllabus

    Hello all, Some of you may be aware that the Board of Studies has made minor changes to the 2010 NSW HSC Biology syllabus. These changes are quite small. Most of them don't bother me. However, I noticed that the Board has deleted the sexual reproduction content from the Patterns in Nature...
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    Is it unwise to study Physics without studying Mathematics?

    Hello all, Of the five HSC science courses offered, Biology and Physics appeal to me the most. HSC Chemistry seems quite dull... it is a shame really. The course could be so much more interesting if it had better topics - more biochemistry, kitchen chemistry, household chemistry and body...
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    English Extension via distance education

    Hello all, Quick question: Would I be allowed to study English Extension through the Sydney Distance Education High School? My school offers English Extension, but it clashed with Hospitality, which was my first choice and hence a subject I do not wish to drop. Is there a rule that you cannot...
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    Is Biology all memorisation?

    Hello all, I heard that Preliminary and HSC Biology requires no skill - apparently it only requires memorisation. So you don't have to udnerstand the content - is this true? Is it really that easy? Thanks, James
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    University preferences

    Hello all, My name is James. I'm in Year 10 and I know it's a little too early to put too much thought into this, but I have some questions about university preferences. 1) If you put a course as your second preference, are you less likely to get it than your first preference? 2) Is it...
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    Marks required for a 90+ ATAR with my subjects

    Hello all, Could you please tell me the marks required in each of my subjects for an ATAR of 90? I go to a school ranked 195th. English (Standard) Hospitality (Kitchen Operations) Italian Continuers PD/H/PE Senior Science Studies of Religion II I think either Italian or SOR II won't count...
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    Students Against Scaling - Post Here!

    Hello all, My name is James. I am a Year 10 student studying toward my N.S.W. School Certificate this year. I have read extensively about the N.S.W. Higher School Certificate marking processes. A brief summary of the N.S.W. H.S.C. marking process follows. Higher School Certificate - Record of...
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    NEW NSW & ACT H.S.C. Mathematics course - Mathematics General 1

    Hi all, This forum is a resource directory for anyone needing help with the new Mathematics course, HSC Mathematics General 1. Starting in either the 2010 or 2011 Preliminary HSC year, all students of General Mathematics for the HSC will study: a common course, Preliminary Mathematics...
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    Food Technology or Hospitality? :)

    Hello everyone! My name is James. I started this thread to get *hopefully* unbiased advice. I am in Year 10 at the moment, my two electives are Italian (studied through the Open High School) and Commerce. I put Food Technology as my FIRST preference on my elective subject choices form in Year...
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    Elective: Life Writing

    @ the mods: Any chance of a sticky? This thread is for 2009 and beyond students to post their resources, thoughts and opinions on the Life Writing elective. This is the elective studied at Marian College for 2009's HSC class. Please post websites, book reviews, draft essays, notes, prescribed...