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  1. Born Dancer

    Linking Techniques into a Speeches Question

    Looking through past hsc questions for the speeches module, it seems that questions only ask about context. how then would i link in techniques if not stated obviously in the question?? (assuming that i have to talk about techniques to get top marks) would i relate them to how they show the...
  2. Born Dancer

    Powerplay Visual Texts

    does anyone know of any good visual texts - i mean paintings and stuff as opposed to movies, that i could use as supplementary material for powerplay? oh and anything feminist would be good because im trying to steer away from political and hegemonic related things
  3. Born Dancer

    Additional texts!!!

    if the question asks "at least ONE other" i would talk about one. if the question says "and additional texts of your own choosing" i would aim for two. i think if you are given the choice you should try and aim for two, or talk about one in large depth?
  4. Born Dancer

    Gigs at the Enmore

    I'm not sure whether the arrangements differ per band, but does anyone know what the third row of bottom reserved seating is like? any chance that i could sneak my way onto the dancefloor? (ive never been to the enmore before)
  5. Born Dancer

    Franz Ferdinand - AUSTRALIAN TOUR

    ok so you guys are probably sick of me posting about franz, but its been announced. Franz are COMING BACK TO OZ. Dates: Tuesday 24 January Enmore Theatre, NSW Tuesday 31 January, Palace Nightclub, St Kilda VIC tickets on sale Friday 30 SEPTEMBER suggestion of a stint at sydney bdo...
  6. Born Dancer

    Employment Opportunities for Law

    im a current year 12 student and was previously interested in taking a law / media and communications double degree. but the more i think about it, the more i think i dont want to be a solicitor or barrister, but would rather try and get into government sort of stuff, like writing...
  7. Born Dancer

    Music of The 20th and 21st Century

    Hey guys, im composing a piece for this topic and was wondering if anyone can reccomend any interesting composers (impressionist or otherwise) that i can check out. preferably looking for unusual sort of works, but they have to fall under this topic so far ive looked at sonny chua...
  8. Born Dancer

    Favourite New Release

    post up your favourite new release atm whether it be album or single :) mine would be "do you want to" - Franz Ferdinand (not half obvious i know :p)
  9. Born Dancer

    Postmodern Creative Writing (writing in a pomo style)

    Our Extension teacher was telling us of a question in a past paper where students were asked to write a postmodern toothpaste add!! i am absolutely terrified that we will get something similar in our trial... does anyone have any useful tips for writing in a Postmodern style, just incase...
  10. Born Dancer

    The Hives - October 21!!

    ARGGGH im so angry!! the hives playing in sydney on the friday of the first week of our hsc, and i have maths the monday after!! no way ill be able to get there! anyone considering going despite the bad timing?
  11. Born Dancer

    Impact of Vietnam on Cambodia Essay

    'assess the impact that the spread of conflict in vietnam had on Cambodia in the period up to 1979' in trying to answer this question in preparation for the in class essay we have, i have written the following introduction and conclusion and sorted out what i at least should talk about. if...
  12. Born Dancer

    consolidation of nazi of power

    im stuck on how much this dot point includes. should i focus on the setting up of a poilce state with gestapo and stuff?? please help!
  13. Born Dancer

    quotes in signatures

    how do i put a quote in my signature?
  14. Born Dancer

    giving out rep

    is there any way to see who i have repped??
  15. Born Dancer

    historiography & band 6 responses

    i know this has come up many a time before, but when i went to a hsc day, a senior examiner told us that you can still get a band six without historiography. this confused me.. isnt it part of the syllabus??
  16. Born Dancer

    roles and impact of conservative parties and elites on political process

    going through my notes i realised i have hardly anything on the above dot point of the syllabus. it is unlikely that we'll get a question on that point, right? but i'd like to have some notes just incase. the only thing i can think of are the roles and impact of people such as hindenburg and...
  17. Born Dancer

    discriminant- finding it and findingunequal real roots

    ok so im doing a past trial paper and i really cant do the discriminant questions. im stuck on the following: 1) write down the discriminant of 2x^2 - 3x + k for this... do i just use the formula?? b^2 - 4ac?? i got 9-8k 2) for what value of k does 2x^2 - 3x + k = 0 have unequal real...
  18. Born Dancer


    what kind of composer is prokofiev? i know he fits under "modern composers" but doesnt every composer in contemporary times fit under this category? is there something more specific i can label him under?
  19. Born Dancer

    source analysis (last question of WW1)

    how much should i be writing for this question, how much detail should i be writing about the source? should i be constantly talking about the time period and what the source reveals about that time?
  20. Born Dancer

    Music 1- How to answer aural questions thread

    i dont know whether there is already a specific thread set aside for this, but i thought it might be a good idea to post up any tips, notes/guides etc for answering and studying for music 1 aural exams. its always a dreaded paper in our class and we dont seem to do that much practical...