I was absolutely devastated to hear from a friend this week that oasis are coming to sydney 2 days after we fly out to bali for schoolies!! i think they are in sydney nov 29? does anyone have confirmation on this??? :(
I was amazed to discover at school last week that there were people in my year that actually knew and loved sooty and sweep!! i was happy to let them borrow my videos :D
now, inspired by yenta's av.. i decided to make an offical thread about the tv show i loved so much!!
favourite episodes...
For everyone that was criticising the indonesian government for locking away Schapelle Corby proclaiming her as an "innocent woman" (dont get me wrong i dont think she is guilty) but perhaps you should look at the case of Chicka Honda.
She was a Japanese woman who was locked away in...
I dont get it!! the formula for finding the area under an odd curve is
| f(x) dx = 0
what does that mean!!?? how do i find the area? integrate on one side...
I have been looking everywhere for variations between the funerals of Sunni Muslims and Shi'ite Muslims -
The only thing so far that i can find is that shi'ites have more elaborate headstones.
Our teacher told us we need to mention the difference between variants of the religious traditions...
There is an air of 80s nostalgia in Franz Ferdinand (especially Track Two on the self-titled Album: "Tell Her Tonight") but i can't put my finger on the exact resemblance to any particular bands.
Maybe the Clash?
Ideas anyone?
Musical Repetition
Just wondering if anyone has heard any new bands that sound lke old or any songs that sound like a song that you might have heard ages ago?
Hey all,
i was wondering if anyone has heard any bands (preferably rock/pop bands) around that sound like bands of the 70s or 80s?
Let me know what you think.. or if you have heard any examples of songs!