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  1. E

    Paying for uni? HECS vs Upfront payment

    So if I put it in a term deposit over the duration of my course, will the gains in compound interest really exceed the 20% saving one could make by paying it up-front? I just want a general idea of why this would be a better alternative.
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    Post Your Timetable - S1 2010 Edition

    LAWS1052 is five hours per week (tutorials and lectures) and it's just the foundation course. So we might be looking at over 20 hours per week when we start more law courses.
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    Paying for uni? HECS vs Upfront payment

    I'm going to pay upfront with my own money I earn from part-time work on the weekends and during the holidays.
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    one music taste a deterrent?

    Also, people who judge personality based solely on other people's musical taste could be a reflection that person's own superficial and/or elitist personality traits.
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    A new laptop.

    I purchased an ASUS Eee PC 1005P yesterday, and I'm very happy with it. It's easy to type on, and just what I needed for uni.
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    one music taste a deterrent?

    If a girl I like has unusual or different musical tastes from my own, that would be a positive attribute. There's not many music genres that I wouldn't listen to, and she could share her favourite music with me. If her musical tastes are similar to mine, we'd have some mutual interests and...
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    Are you ALLOWED to skip lectures?

    My ARTS1030 (English) lectures are supposedly compulsory.
  8. E

    If a tutorial is "full", could this change in the future?

    I found a tutorial that would be more appropriate for my timetable, but it's currently full. Is there any chance that students will change their timetables, and any spots in that particular tutorial will free up? Also, if a tutorial has 24 availabilities, how many places need to be filled to...
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    Is it easier to get a high GPA at UWS than other unis such as UNSW and USYD?

    This is very interesting. This seems inherently flawed to me. It's as if High Distinctions, Distinctions, etc, are given out merely as a ranking system within the cohort - rather than an indication of actual competence in regards the objectives and requirements of the course.
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    Libertarian movement

    What's wrong with environmentalists?
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    I agree. It's not plagiarism, per se. But if you sign a cover sheet saying you have not submitted this essay elsewhere for assessment when you actually have, I believe it can be dealt with in a similar way to matters of plagiarism.
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    Yes, it is considered a form of plagiarism and is not recommended.
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    Yes, it says that on mine as well.
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    Yes, I can.
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    Keith Burrows

    Keith Burrows's Public Profile
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    Anyone else keen to start?

    I'm looking forward to going to university so I can have a break from working 5-6 days a week.
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    UNSW Bachelor of Media or USYD Bachelor of Arts?

    If you want a career in journalism, I would specifically choose relevant communications/media programs from UNSW. Arts at USyd might be a higher quality program in terms of staffing and facilities, but it won't make you competitive when you are job searching, and it doesn't provide the core...
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    what happens if I don't make my time table straight away?

    Not much happens, unless classes fill up and you're forced to take lectures/tutorials at inconvenient times.