Search results

  1. Survivor39

    More Resources

    Hi everyone. Recently, I have been adding submitted notes from the database on to the main Resource page. Please utilise them! If you have any more notes, past or present Society and Culture students, please keep submitting them! Thank you! Go directly to Main Resource for Society and...
  2. Survivor39

    Reference List

    Hi, I just want to know if the alphabetical reference list contain journals and books only and then after that you reference A to Z websites? Or is it books/journals and websites all mixed together in one alphabetical list?
  3. Survivor39


    Hi, who else on here is currently doing Fundamentals of Microbiology and immunology? I know babydoll is, so how are you going Nancy? Do you think this e poster idea was any good? I think it sucks! I mean for any type of group work, ususally one or few people do all the work, while the others do...
  4. Survivor39


    Yep, please discuss episodes that have not been aired in Australia here, freely! oh...and for those who are on different may need to use the spoiler box again...some might be up to 7, some might be up to 10...erhmmm.. yeah... you know what I mean.
  5. Survivor39

    Tips for doing BIOS1201

    Tips for doing BIOS1201: - Remember you have to attend lab in week 1 - For your weekly/fornightly tests, read the lab manual carefully. The test will be of multiple choice (was last year) and some short answers. Don't lose too many marks in these little tests because they are relatively...
  6. Survivor39

    Students fees

    When are they suppose to charge us Sudent fees of $250? I remember we paid already same time last year. Is there something wrong with my my.unsw, or are everyone's liability still zero? Thanks
  7. Survivor39

    The X Factor

    Tell us what you think! The X Factor - you've either got it, or you DON'T. - Kate Ceberano :D
  8. Survivor39

    Text Type Structures

    Knowing what exactly is needed in any text types is extremely important. as you could encounter ANY text types asked by the examiners in the HSC ESL exams. I've gathered some information from my notes and post them on here so that hopefully you get a better understanding of how structures and...
  9. Survivor39

    The Official Australian Open Thread!

    Post your thoughts! Go Federer! Continue your supremacy! And are Cjister and Henin-Hardenne 100% out of the Australian Open??! (woohoo if they are).
  10. Survivor39

    Interesting Information for New Students

    This will help you understand what is a UAI cutoff. The UAI - myth vs reality When students applying for our Degree Programs are assigned their UAI ranking, we fill the available places starting with the highest ranked students and work down the UAI rankings until we have made all the...
  11. Survivor39

    American Idol Christmas Special!

    woohoo! Who's watching it? I'm watching mainly because of Kelly and all the other crap but hillarious auditions! Sunday 7:30 pm on TEN people!
  12. Survivor39

    2004 HSC Society and Culture Results

    Post your results here Class of 2004. I saw some outstanding results for Society and Culture, Well done everyone.
  13. Survivor39

    my.unsw Enrolment

    When you use the "Program and Plan Search", and a list of subjects comes up, does it mean subjects that don't appear on the list you cannot enrol in? I saw this as well: The "Program and Plan Search" is a simple method to search for core courses and common electives associated with your...
  14. Survivor39

    What are Requisites??

    what's the difference between pre-requisites and requisites?? are they the same??
  15. Survivor39

    How will Casey do in WORLD Idol

    Yes it's this time of the year. it just one month's time. World Idol (hopefully) will be on. What do you think of her chances? I hope she does better than Guy...
  16. Survivor39

    Understanding Social and Cultural Research Methodology

    I have added this new section because I realised how important methodology is in Society & Culture, both in the PIP component and the exam component. You could use the following to help you with your preparation of your exams as the methodologies listed here included both advantages and...
  17. Survivor39

    Additional Resource - The CSU Website

    I think most of you know this website already, if you don't, here it is: It contains case studies for most topics. nothing on Theories of Social Change though
  18. Survivor39

    Survivor's Prediction for the 2004 HSC Society and Culture Exam

    These questions are HSC style that I made up. I am usually pretty good at guessing the questions for the Society and Culture Exam, as I follow the syllabus closely to see which dot points haven't been asked. Section I - Social and Cultureal Continuity and Change Part A (18 marks)...
  19. Survivor39

    Who is doing a Science-related course @ UNSW next year?

    Who is considering of doing a Science-related course @ UNSW next year?