JEGAA! How you been buddy! Its been a year since you got them, but everytime I see those marks I still think DAIM! THATS GOOD STUFF!
Highly Recommended!
hahaha thanx man. Yeh sorry about the incompatibility between subjects but just add me on msn
Often HSC students like advice or some help with getting through a rough patch..have a chat with me if you ever need.
You could take a sample of the water and use a turbidity tube. I'm not sure if you've used one before but its basically a tube with three black lines at the bottom. U keep adding water until you can no longer see the black lines. You read the level of the water on the side to give the turbidity...
With trials for HSC 2010 fast approaching, you should all be studying hard and developing effective study strategies for tackling this set of tests. While you are all more then capable to doing so, I would like to offer a number of trial paper...
LOL that is one of the most common questions i get asked
ummm i tried for 2hrs in the morning before school and about 2 hrs after school and anything on top of that was optional (ie if i could be stufffed)
the weekend would generally be about 6 hrs of work saturday and sunday
and so in total...
sorry but my chem notes are hand written. It makes it very difficult to give out/give access to other students
I dont think I'm qualified to do that, but yeh I can do a pretty nifty reverse parking..:tongue:
wow thats pretty impressive lol
umm i remember going back to last year I actually used the Bored of Studies SAM to get an idea of what was possible for me. Similar to your technique I tried to model my marks on the percentage of the state except the one difference was that I had chemistry from...
wow that is an awesome story...
But why does a motivational story have to be about proving teachers wrong.
For eg. in my HSC English I was 3rd at the end of yr 11. In the first HSC yr 12 assesment I stuffed up bad (I was under some health and anxiety issues at that stage), and I dropped back...
I agree with Aerath here. HSC Chemistry is really fun, and as long as you know what to do (ie. plenty of syllabus based notes and past papers) and very easy to get really awesome marks. HSC Economics is perhaps a bit too subjective to be assured of marks. What I mean is that in my school one of...
Lol that is a very interesting point for discussion
In fact there are many stories from third world countries of students from very financially disadvantaged backgrounds excelling against the odds and achieveing very high marks. They ultimately establish a very good life for themselves...
hahaha that definitely sounds like clint
"hey can I get a cheltenham girl over here"
but nah in short you can't go wrong with this guys tutoring
He willl take you throught the longs and shorts and ins...
yep guys keep the enquiries coming
I would be particularly interested in running a number of group sessions as I have been receviing a number of calls for tutoring
My email is
I still have plenty of places left if you are interested, although my year 11 chem is prolly not up to scratch
nevertheless get in touch