Lol thanks for that. i get all of that but i dont get at what point can we say tht our objective of distribution of income and wealth is achieved
is it at gini coefficient at 0.3 at 0.2 at -0.2:bomb:
The government may have a budget surplus by reducing government spending and increasing taxation. That will decrease AD and hence consumers will pruchase less. This means a decrease in the purchases of imports and hence the BGS improves along with the CAD
Using examples, explain the impact of...
What is an 'equitable distribution of income' cause Australia certainly doesnt aim for a gini coeffcieint of 0 as that takes out the incentive effect for working harder and more productive
1. The WTO is a body that is promoting global reductions in trade and a move towards free trade.
2. The IMF provides emergency funds to nations undergoing exchange rate collapses or other economic issues
3. The world bank provides loans to developing countries to finance devlopment projects...
The multiplier refers to the concept where an increase or decrease in injections will eventually lead to an even higher change in national income. Thus for example a small injection by the government will stimulate economic activity in some areas causing a rise in AD in other areas too. This...
So does an appreciation benefit or worsen the CAD as there is increased spending on imports but decline in foreign inflow
Or similarly
would a decrease in interest rates benefit or worsen the CAD (because of the same reasons above)???
What are Australia's economic objectives?
-Sustainable level of economic growth
-Full employment
-Inflation between 2-3%
-external stability
-an apporpriate inequality in distribution of income and wealth <<<<< nt sure help me out
-Ecologically sustainable development
By using examples...
b) 0.1176Nm downwards
how did you get this?
i use t=fd
mc- 10 B<<<< still not sure though
11-A judging by other ppl's discussion here