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  1. W

    The "How did you go in your exam" thread

    It was pretty similar to the practise final on webct I'm so glad i did it a few times.
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    Coop Scholarship

    My cousin does actuarial at macquarie and she said that something like 33% of the people there got HD for 1st year.
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    Commerce/eco combined degree

    1. Yes 2. Well im doing comm/eco as it allows me to get 2 majors for commerce and 1 major for economics (personal interest really) in 4 years whilst for comm/eng u are only getting 1 major in comm and 1 major in engo (a major is kinda like a focused study of a branch of your course) in 5.5...
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    Commerce Combined Degrees

    I think you can drop from a double degree to a single degree at any point of time. In university the cohort is essentially the people who are doing the same subject say ECON1102 or FINS2642 or w/e. You will be in the same classes as the other commerce students who are doing the same subject ie...
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    Band Cut-Offs

    I can confidently say that a mark of 85 raw should get u at a MINIMUM an aligned mark of 90 simple as that. Its the scaled mark that matters your UAI, however you are never given that. Stop panicking, you guys should be getting maggot tbh.
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    Band Cut-Offs

    around 82-85 for band 6 should be good estimate
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    Dream Festival Lineup II

    Kanye better go first so he can let taylor finish
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    QMB exam

    Practically everything, good luck. Make sure u know your regression and hypothesis testing on chi square, t student, proportionate etc...
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    predicted raw marks

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    General Education requirements

    I dont think any of the content in 1613 is presumed although doing QMB and 1612 will make 1613 a lot easier.
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    why be mean for :p
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    band cut offs

    Re: Band 6 Raw? For reference i got 85 aligned last year and thought i got somewhere around 90-95/120 raw
  13. W

    Whats in the ACCT1511 final exam?

    Thanks a lot hongco gl too!
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    Whats in the ACCT1511 final exam?

    I missed the final lecture as ive been sick for like the past 10 days. Wondering what is in the final exam and its structure. Thanks.
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    how to meet more people?

    You can be my friend :D
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    PASS leader

    do you mean is it hard to become one? From rumor i think most leaders got at least 95+ in that course (QMA, QMB etc). PS: What is required to become a tutor at unsw? Do you get invited or do you have to apply somewhere?
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    QMB project

    since we dont have population deviation how do we do hypothesis testing?
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    QMB project

    Is KPI 1 binomial distribution?
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    QMB project

    how do u find the population means and standard deviation using the sample information? We cant use confidence intervals since we are not sure of the population sd. Can someone help?
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    What's New College REALLY like?

    just fun stuff. freebies, parties, club promotions, unsw tour guides etc