so many asians.
i've played it before at like timezone when i've been waiting for a movie. i don't even know who the fuck i pick, usually whatever one looks more funny. so the crazy robot wood man or the cheetah guy. then i just press every button i can until i lose. yay!
one time the chemist made me fill out this survey, it was the same standard questions they ask you over the counter but he put it in this box that had similar surveys and good lord that box was full.
also can i just ask what is UP with the comments saying you build a more "solid foundation" when you don't sleep together, seriously what kind of immature bullshit thinking is that. last i heard sex was an awesome way to express affection and love and also feels pretty fucking good, so what's...
who gives a shit that he made great music? it's not like that's gone, just open up your itunes playlist and listen to the songs again if they're so brilliant to you ffs
i think i'm finding though that when both individuals are still in love with each other, neither party has the inclination to draw up any definitive boundaries or the willpower to maintain them. which definitely makes keeping things "just friends" infinitely more hard :(
and this is what i'm terrified of happening to me :(
anyway this thread has been really awesome to read. kind of relevant to the messy situation i'm in now... i don't know, can two people ever go back to being "just friends" when they're still in love with each other?
i realise you think you're being funny but i'm not kidding, nothing gives me anxiety attacks like pacman does. fucking hate that game.
when i got my playstation when i was nine it came with this free game... i don't remember what it was called but it was about this ugly mutant who had to... do...