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  1. Odyssey2001

    Exam Timetable

    17th 22nd 23rd Why are my exams always so annoyingly late in the piece -_-
  2. Odyssey2001

    No day lecture

    Yeah I've never heard of classes going till 10pm I always thought the latest ones finished at 9pm? I had an evening class last semester from 6-9pm so it does happen but what really sucks was I had a 9am class the next morning.
  3. Odyssey2001

    Textlist - not up yet?

    That's a good idea because last year i went and bought my text books early and I bought a textbook for I think $110 and then in my first class they told me we didn't really need it and to only buy it if we wanted to for extra readings, I never ever used it in my class at all -_-. Now I always...
  4. Odyssey2001

    Car Parking 2010

    I just found this on the MQ website, I found it here, Car Parking on Campus - Momentum - Macquarie University
  5. Odyssey2001


    PHYS242 - D PHYS178 - D GEOS214 - Cr Congrats everyone else ;)
  6. Odyssey2001

    Results Prediction Thread

    GEOS214 - Cr PHYS242 - D PHYS178 - D
  7. Odyssey2001

    Importance of Orientation

    I started in 08 and we had to come in to do all our subject choices for first year. I'd never been to MQ before and I found it so confusing and wish I could have just done it all at home I mean i found it easy enough without having people checking my every step but instead I had to run around...
  8. Odyssey2001

    Macquarie drops in world rankings....again!

    The way he said it didn't sound like he was joking not that me or my friends said anything bad about him anyway and most people in the class seemed to like him so he probably just wasn't worried that we'd say anything really bad about him.
  9. Odyssey2001

    Draft Final Exam Timetable

    =P I've had 12 exams so far in total and the closest I'd ever been up until now was seat 14.
  10. Odyssey2001

    Draft Final Exam Timetable

    Mines alright but in one of my exams I'm actually in SEAT 1!!! Lol it amused me for a moment.
  11. Odyssey2001

    Macquarie drops in world rankings....again!

    I think they read them but they don't care all to much. I was filling out a PHYS one last year and our lecturer said he didn't care what we wrote because he's been there long enough that his jobs secure not matter what we say so the whole review we did was bascially a waste of time in reguards...
  12. Odyssey2001

    Draft Final Exam Timetable

    I hope so because I only have 2 exams (I was like really happy) but with this timetable I have one then the next one 12 days later -_-
  13. Odyssey2001

    MQ General chatter thread

    Re: MQ General chatter and timetables thread (+ Conception Day!) Yes I just looked at it before and I think it is so much better than the previous one in that its better looking and HEAPS much more easier to navigate, it was so cluttered and hard to find certain things before. Also just...
  14. Odyssey2001

    MQ General chatter thread

    If you're thinking of doing a paleontology course then I'd recommend for obvious reasons GEOS235: Palaeontology, I did it last year and I enoyed it and its not very hard either. The best part is a day excursion up to the Hunter Valley to collect your own fossils I had a great time, the lecturer...
  15. Odyssey2001

    Hints for passing units

    MATH130/135 - Go to the tutorials, go to all the lectures they're not recorded and study past exam papers because they're like GOLD. I had a math exam which was basically exactly the same as the previous year except the numbers in the questions had been changed :rofl: COMP115 - Learn to...
  16. Odyssey2001

    MQ General chatter thread

    Re: Semester 2 Timetable Mon: 10-1 Tue: 9-11 Wed: 11-5 Thurs: 9-10 (Damn you lecture I can't change!) Fri: 12-3
  17. Odyssey2001

    anyone internallly transferring

    I agree with pwarUex that you might as well give it a try anyway but if not just do some real easy courses this semester to boost up your GPA. This page should also answer some of your questions, Macquarie University - Undergraduate Studies
  18. Odyssey2001

    100lv subject to do sem 2, 2009

    Depends what subjects you would enjoy doing but I do have a suggestion, CBMS123 it's a dead easy course only 2 lectures for the whole semester and no final exam because all marks come directly from assesments. I did it as an elective and got a D without really trying to hard.
  19. Odyssey2001

    Results Discusssion

    Re: Results Quoted from here, MQnU: Information for Students
  20. Odyssey2001

    MQ General chatter thread

    Re: 2009 First Year Macquarie Students. I personally find it better to have lectures before tutorials. Last year I had a math tutorial on the monday morning straight after my very first math lecture of the week. 3/4 of the stuff on the tutorial was stuff we hadn't done yet (we did later...