Sorry didn't see or even hear about a crash at E1.
She probably got home and was like !#*!* someone scratched my car! I feel sorry for the owner of the other car. God help someone if they scratch my car when I'm around....
Since everyone else is sharing car crash stories from uni I will...
I hate turnitin, the first time I ever had to use it for an essay I was so scared that I'd get caught for plagiarism I was freaked a few words I’d written may be similar to something someone else wrote. Not that I ever plagiarise but the way the lecturer's talked it up scared the hell out of me...
1. OMG did you realise it like has it's own observatory :haha: (Well I'm excited)
2. The Library is pretty good
3. Most people are quite friendly
4. It's like a 5 min walk to Macquarie Center (Krispy Kreme anyone?)
5. The lake, it's pretty.
I think it really depends on the subject and / or the tutor you get. I think math tutorials are great (again only if you get a good tutor which I either do or when I don't I change if I can) because they go through stuff thats usually on exams / tests. For me physic's tutorials are kinda useless...
Re: 2009 First Year Macquarie Students.
Best part of mid-semester break! No uni work at all :headbang:
Anyway I finish on the 18th so I have about 6 weeks which is great!!
I'm so glad someone is telling these people who do that off!!!! I'm to freaked out to I've kinda shhhed before and they just gave me a werid look as in "what ya going to do about it?" and continued.
YES I find this very annoying because I arrive on time and sit where I want to sit then people decide to come in 10-15minutes late and the lectuer makes everyone move in so the late comers can get a seat. The annoying thing is that I've allready made myself comfortable, got out my notes etc...
I agree, I personally can't work well without sleep and once it starts to get very late I find I can't concentrate and end up going to bed anyway (although everyone is different). I'd suggest doing as much a possible tonight but still get some sleep (a few hours or more) then just get up early...
Lol how many times have I encountered someone surprised about the course I'm doing :haha:
Not sure about why it has to be in Alphabetical order I guess its just one of those rules either follow or else. My very first Uni essay I ever wrote was a complete disaster for 1 reason and 1 reason...
I'm doing a science degree =D But anyway like you've already seen in you unit outline the captions underneath diagrams and pictures don't count and neither does the reference list (don't ask why but when I first started uni I thought they did LOL!). But if you have questions go speak to your...
Since I'm not sure what subjects you're doing here's some basic things that I do,
1. If you have tutorials do as many of the questions you can BEFORE the tutorial during the week, most people don't do this so then when you rock up and no else is asking questions then you can ask most of...
That's right I'd also like to add that a PC (Conceded Pass) in MATH130 can't get you into MATH135 you need to P or they'll have to do it again. (Just thought I'd add it because some people think that a PC is enough to get through but its not)
I had a lecture once a week and someone brought their laptop to every single class and all I could hear was *click*click*.... for the entire hour, every week, for a whole semester. By the end of the lectures my eye was twitching everytime I heard a click and it wasn't even a computer based subject.