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  1. N

    Top Places To Pull A Pick Up

    Well explained. Use this advice you people!
  2. N

    What to bring to college

    Great information! Question: Does MWC use coin washing machines and driers?
  3. N

    2009 students

    Anyone else coming here this year and or students who staying there from previous years? What college you going to? I'm going to Mary White.:santa:
  4. N

    Mary White College

    I'm going to Mary White College now!!!!
  5. N

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    Same boat for me too ;)
  6. N

    Post Your 2009 University Offers Here! (UAC, VTAC, etc) (No Spam)

    Just found out i got offered before my results back in October of this course. It was by UNExtra application early entry. But what the heck! :D
  7. N

    Sexual experience

    Oh yea i forget its Ebony lol......
  8. N

    Sexual experience

    You telling me that we should meet up? PS: How old are you? I don't know whats your name haha.
  9. N

    Sexual experience

    Weird, i didn't know there tags on this forums now lol. Looks like some mods did it lol. Ebony, let me ask you why you want to help me?
  10. N

    Sexual experience

    Looks like someone is in bad mood and can read gibberish grammar.
  11. N

    Sexual experience

    What? I didn't reject you. I thought you was kidding like other people on here teasing me and joking around?
  12. N

    Sexual experience

  13. N

    Sexual experience

    ^^^^ Are you talking rubbish? Taen seriously? Thats weird i meet someone who does not care about me over the internet. I'm not stupid okay. I just wanted to know experience, NOT experience about tricking, insult and take shit of someone.
  14. N

    Post Your 2009 University Offers Here! (UAC, VTAC, etc) (No Spam)

    I'm going to UNE Armidale to study Bachelor of Science advanced! Woot! I can't wait. Also got offered for accommodation and student association aswell! Im leaving on 15th Feb. :D
  15. N

    Sexual experience

    It not just me wanted to have sex with girls at this stage of my life, i only prefer to have one in relationships. I just want to learn something before i move on. What are the sexual positions, oral and stuff doing it with a girl? What is like inside her? Cheers for answers. Thanks.:monkey:
  16. N

    Bs of Science

    Typo! It meant bach of science.
  17. N

    Why is it that most 'hot' girls are dumb or skank?

    This thread need to be deleted. Its pointless and rude to other viewers. Mods please delete this.
  18. N

    Bs of Science

    Anyone going there?
  19. N

    Strange shocking offer

    I found out what was i did applied from school. It was UNE extra. University of New England
  20. N

    Strange shocking offer

    Yea true. I gotta experience that now.